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          Boilers are inspected to maintain the regulatory requirement. Regular internal and external examination during such survey constitutes the preventive maintenance schedule the boiler goes through to have a safe working condition.
          Boilers require to be surveyed at 2-year intervals until they are 8 years old, thereafter they become due for survey annually.




1.     Discuss with Master and Chief Engineer to confirm time available, manpower and time required and steam requirement for next port.
a.     Checks before shutting down boiler:
b.     Sufficient spares (joints, packing, gauge glass, etc)
c.      Past reports and manual for special attention need to be take care
2.     Special Tools required
3.     Meeting and brief with all engineers involved
4.     Mark all valves, safety valve setting and spigot clearance

Before shutting down boiler
1.     Inform Chief engineer
2.     Inform duty deck officer
3.     Top up DO service tank
4.     Change over M/E, A/E and boiler to Diesel oil
5.     Stop all purifier
6.     Shut all heating and tracing steam valve
7.     Soot blow the boiler

Shutting down Boiler
1.     Change over to manual firing
2.     Stop firing
3.     Purge boiler for 5 minutes
4.     Shut main steam stop valve
5.     Switch off power, off the circuit breaker and remove fuses for FD fan, FO pumps, feed pumps and control panel.
6.     Put a notice on the circuit breaker mentioned above
7.     Shut all fuel valve and atomizing valve and lock them in shut position, blank the line if necessary
8.     Allow boiler to cool down slowly
9.     Scum blowdown follow by bottom blowdown when the boiler cooled
10.                        Open air vent when boiler pressure drop until 2 bar to prevent vacuum formation
11.                        Further cooling of boiler
12.                        Prepare to open top manhole door when boiler is cooled and at atmospheric pressure
13.                        Slacken the dog nut and secure manhole with rope
14.                        Knock manhole door gently with long stick. Do not open fully because hot steam or water might gush out.
15.                        Open full when is safe
16.                        Allow further cooling of boiler before open the bottom manhole door. This is to prevent thermal shock
17.                        Confirm no large quantities of hot water lying in the bottom
18.                        Open the bottom manhole door with the same precaution as with the top manhole door
19.                        Open the furnace door slowly
20.                        Ventilate the boiler both water and fire side for 12-24 hours
21.                        Enclose space entry permit obtained
22.                        Check Oxygen, flammable gas and toxic gas content
23.                        Prepare to entry

 Preparation for entry
1.     Prepare safety torch and safety hand lamp
2.     Investigate from outside make sure it is clear from obstruction before entering boiler
3.     Oxygen analyzer is carry with the person entered boiler
4.     Personnel entering must wear all safety gears
5.     Clear pocket contents and tools to be carried in a bag and accounted
6.     A responsible engineer to be standby outside with clear emergency order
7.     Keep breathing apparatus ready
8.     Remain communication
9.     Ensure proper lighting at all time

Boiler Inspection
1.     Thoroughly cleaned before boiler is surveyed
2.     Wire brush and hose down may be sufficient to prepare for survey in well maintained boiler
3.     Chipping off scale is necessary
4.     If traces of oil are found in boiler, chemical means may have to be adopted to remove them

Route of inspection
1.     Gas Side
a.     Exterior of drums for signs of tube roll, leakage, corrosion, soot erosion and overheating
b.     Condition of outside drum insulation
c.      Drum seals for sign of air leakage
d.     Inspect drum support for crack and expansion clearance
e.      All blowdown connections for expansion and flexibility of support
f.       All piping and valve for leaks
g.     Water wall tubes and fins for crack
h.     Exterior of all tubes for corrosion, carbon build up, erosion, blisters and sagging
i.       Tubes near soot blowers for steam impingement
j.       Condition of refractory
k.     Around burner assembly, refractory and accumulation of soot or carbon
l.       Soot blower for distortion, worn bearings, rubbing of tubes, condition of nozzles, cracks, freedom of movement and effective lubrication

2.     Water side
a.     Steam drum for corrosion scaling and pitting
b.     Manhole seats and surface
c.      Condition of all fee, chemical feed, blowdown lines and inside pressure parts for choking, security and leaks
d.     Tubes for corrosion, excessive deposits, flare cracking and pitting
e.      Hand hole plates and stud threads

3.     Safety Valve
a.     Condition of valve internal parts for signs of corrosion, galling and wear
b.     Check for pitting, crack, resiliency and condition of springs
c.      Check spindle for straightness and adjusting ring thread for freedom of movement
d.     Check discharge and drain piping

4.     Check dampers to ensure that linkage are secured and well greased
5.     Condition of burners, swirler and air register
6.     Wind-box dampers and vanes for sign of corrosion and erosion
7.     Check condition and operation of all valve
8.     Check feed water controller and control valve connection lines and ensure proper functioning
9.     Examine the foundation and bracing bolts of boiler for corrosion, fretting and rusting

1.     Inspect internal surface to ensure they are clean
2.     Counter check all tools are out from boiler
3.     All opening of the mounting are cleaned properly
4.     Mountings to be fixed back with new set of gasket/joint
5.     Replace the header handhole and the bottom manhole door
6.     Operate all mounting valves to ensure they work freely and leave all valves in close position

7.     Replace top manhole door
8.     Sootblower are correctly fitted
9.     Air control dampers move freely for their full travel
10.                        Open gauge glass steam and water cocks and shut drain cock
11.                        Open vent, alarm and pressure gauge connection valve
12.                        Shut all drain valve
13.                        Switch on power for control panel, feed pump, FD fan and FO pump
14.                        Fill boiler with hot distilled treated water
15.                        Fill until water level below normal level
16.                        Check control air is available

Flashing Up
1.     Start FD fan and purge boiler for 5 minutes
2.     Start FO pump and check all parameters
3.     Fire boiler with minimum firing ratio
4.     Continue firing intermittently e.g. 1min. fire, stop 10min. for 1st hour, 2min fire, stop 10min. for 2nd hour and so on….
5.     As boiler heats up, water level will rise to normal level, top up if necessary
6.     Continue fire until a continuous stream of steam comes out from air vent
7.     Shut air vent
8.     Blow through gauge glass when boiler pressure raised
9.     Open valve to remote level indicator
10.                        At 7 bar, all securing buts to be retighten
11.                        Open steam line drains to drain off condensate
  1. Warm up the steam line
  2. Gag 1 safety valve, raise the steam pressure slowly and check valve lift pressure and adjust accordingly
  3. Repeat the procedure for other safety valve
  4. Ensure no condensate at the drain line
  5. Crack open main steam stop valve, slowly open until its full open
  6. Keep firing as steady as possible
  7. Check all safety cut outs and alarms before putting boiler on Auto
  8. Final round check on boiler
  9. Start tanks and tracing steam heating
  10. Open steam to all heaters
  11. Start all purifier
  12. Change over from DO to HO for boiler and Generator

24.                        M/E change over during departure

EGE Safety valve
1.     C/E to set the safety valve when the ship is at sea
2.     Report to surveyor in writing to confirm safety valve operation

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