Man plans many things and boasts to himself that he has achieved according to his plan. But that is not correct. Besides the intention of man, God’s grace or Sankalpa is absolutely essential  for the success of any attempt. We know the adage “Man proposes but God disposes.”  What if God proposes? Can man stop what God has decreed? It is impossible. When God’s grace and will operate wonderful things are achieved very easily and smoothly even without human effort! Avatars or incarnations take place when Dharma or righteousness declines and unrighteousness predominates. Krishna reiterates to doubting Arjuna that he takes avatar in every Yuga as and when adharma increases and dharma declines.  Incarnations are only for destroying Evil and restore Dharma on earth From the Kruttha yuga  onwards  that has been the purpose of the Lord.  Hiranyaksha, his brother Hiranyakasipu were killed and later in  Treta Yuga Ravana, Kumbhakarna and other tormentors were destroyed!  The lord had resolved to root out the evil minded Kauravas and save the Pandavas  who followed the path of Dharma That is his Divine Sankalpa and nothing can stand against it!

The Mahabharatha  war on the field of Kuru kshetra was chosen by Lord Krishna to implement his divine Sankalpa! Bhisma pitamaha is invincible! Dronacharya has no equal for his archery among the pandavas! He was also the Guru for both the Kauravas and the Pandavas! But having  sided the evil minded Kauravas they have weakened themselves and are eligible to be killed! How to kill Dronacharya? He has to be killed if the Pandavas should win the battle. The Lord had his own plan. He got down from Arjuna’s chariot, went straight to Dronacharya and questioned how he could be killed. Drona nonchalantly replied that as long as he has his bow and arrows, none can kill him. He was very truthful. Krishna , a little later again wanted to know when he would lay down his bow and arrows  Drona, sincerely, without any suspicion, answered that he would do so if some terrible unbearable news affects him! That was what the Lord expected.  Incidentally The Lord has proclaimed  greatness and truthfulness of Dronacharya to the entire world!

Krishna did not go back to Arjuna. He went to Dharmaraja. He asked Dharmaraja to tell a lie! But , noted for truth and Dharma, he refused. He replied, “ You may tell lies bit how can I speak falsehood?  Krishna immediately ordered for an elephant to be brought and named it “ Aswatthama” even in the presence of Dharmaraja! Krishna said,” Presume that this elephant Aswattama, dies hit by an arrow. Will you say that it has died?” “If it dies, I will say surely” replied Arjuna’s brother. Krishna said that he has to declare the the death of the death of the elephant Aswattama very loudly.  Dharmaraja loudly shouted that there was an elephant Aswattama and it died on the battlefield hit by an arrow. Krishna was shocked at the truthful narration of Dharmaraja. He disapproved of it and said that the most important news has to be mentioned. He asked Dharmaraja to say,” Aswattama hataha, kunjaraha” As wha has happened was true, Dharmaraja said thewords loudly with more stress on the first two words!

That was the undoing of Dronacharya! Having heard from Dharmaraja that Aswattama, his son has died, Drona laid down his bow and arrows and was killed in the battle. He had mistaken the word Aswattama for his son where as it was only the name of the elephant! The word ‘Kunjaraha’ was deliberately said in a low voice which was drowned in the commotion of the battle. Krishna himself could have announced the death of the elephant! Why did he not do so?  None would have believed in the words of Krisna, particularly Dronacharya as Krishna was noted for his lies! Therefore Krishna chose Dharmaraja, the truthful ,for uttering this lie which was taken for truth!

Krishna could have chosen Arjuna to make the announcement. Why did he choose Dharma raja? Dharmaraja is the embodiment of Truth and Dharma! He is the son of Yamadharmaraja who stands for Truth and righteousness! The world believes the words of such an individual. The Lord chooses the great man. the moment, place, time and whose words would be effective! When Dharmaraja shouted loudly the battle field was abnormally silent! Not satisfied, Krishna blew his conch so loudly that the word ‘Kunjaraha’  was drowned completely! Believing in the words of Dharmaraja, Drona collapsed laying down his bow and arrows!  It is Divine sankapa that Dronacharya should die like that! Otherwise Truith and Dharma would not survive.  In many other instances in the Mahabharatha Krishna saves the Pandavas from the evil intentions of the Kauravas!

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