MA Sociology Part I Notes: Paper IV Methodologies of Social Research

 MA Sociology Part I Notes: 

Paper IV Methodologies of Social Research

Click on the topic you want to learn / study 

Unit I : Introduction

 Philosophical foundations: Issuesof Ontology, Epistemology, Methodology 

The Nature of Science and Science of the social 

The Nature of Sociologicalinquiry; Science and common sense

Qualitative and QuantitativeMethodologies

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods part II

Unit II: Methodological Perspectives


Hermeneutic Intervention 

Reflexivity and Social Research 

Feminist MethodologicalPerspectives 

Unit III: Research Methods

 Virtual Research 

Ethics in Virtual Research

The nature and application of Statistics in Sociological research 

Quantitative Methods: Social Survey-questionnaire, Interview schedule, coding practices

Qualitative Methods: Participant observation, Interviews, Case studies and life histories

Unit IV: Planning and Communicating Research

Research Proposal 

Research Design 

Data Collection and Analysis 

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