हमारे प्रकाशन OUR PUBLICATIONS

Books on Insurance

(Books for Insurance Consumers, Students, Government and Private Companies/Organizations, Banks, NGOs, Insurance Employees, Insurance Agents/Brokers and all Stakeholders of Insurance Sector) 

Buy our following books at flipkart with discounts & free shipping:- Insurance Claims Solutions:Price Rs 375 for only Rs 267, India Insurance Guide:Price Rs 600 for only Rs 323,General Insurance Guide:Price Rs 450 for only 322.
Check at www.flipkart.com 

-Principles, Practices and Law
First Ed.2017
Price Rs.550
With IRDAI Regulations, Policies, Claims and Judgements
(Health, Motor, Home, Commercial, Rural Insurance)
Available at Flipkart  Amazon   Pothi

Preview of Book

This is an updated,  comprehensive reference book (Ed.2017) covering all aspects of general insurance and general insurance sector  for the students of insurance, commerce, law and  financial management pursuing various courses at  graduate/postgraduate level to help them have an insight of theory, practice and law of general insurance domain. It is also an handy guide on general insurance policies, claims and claim procedures covering health, motor, commercial, rural, social and personal line insurances with IRDAI regulations,  for newly recruited employees and insurance consultants of general and health insurance companies. Book contains synopsis of important and latest  judgements of Supreme Court of India and National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission related to general insurance claims for claims department and lawyers for ready reference. A chapter on risk management deals with various aspects of risk management for individual and corporate. Book also aims to empower Insurance Consumers with consumer grievance redressal mechanism for settlement of their claims.
This book also serves the purpose of a handbook on insurance law, claims and judgements for practicing lawyers.

Print Books



India Insurance Guide 
Revised Ed.2018
Preview of Book
General Insurance Guide 
Revised Ed.2017
Preview of Book 
All books available online for shopping at:
www.pothi.com  www.flipkart.com  www.amazon.in
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Reviews of India Insurance Guide
Published in Asia Insurance Review:
June 2013
 Asia Insurance Review in June 2013 issue (Professional magazine published from Singapore) has published review of our book “India Insurance Guide 2013” Please click image below:

Published in Times of India
13 March 2013 Bhopal Ed.

Excerpt of Review
“If you want to get yourself acquainted with various facets and nitty-gritty of insurance sector at large, this guide could come in extremely handy. Written in a lucid manner the book deals with various insurance policies, claim procedures and insurance law and regulations. The book can be used as a ready reference by insurance professionals, policy holders, tax/insurance advocates and insurance employees. Information about vast variety of insurance products being offered by insurers comes in a digestible form.”

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