Chapter - 1.3
Evidences of evolution with help of key words
Learn all the above evidences with help of key words.
1)Morphological evidences:-
> Structure of mouth
>Position of eyes
>Structure of nostrils
>Ear pinnae
>Hair on body
>Leaf shape
>Leaf Venation
>Leaf petiole
2)Anatomical Evidences:-
>Similarity in human hands
>Cats foreleg
>Flipper whale
>Patagium of bat
3) Vestigial Organ:-
>Understand useless organs of organisms
>Development of tissues
>Tailbone (coccyx)
>Wisdom teeth
>Body hair
4) Paleontological Evidences :-
>Organism get buried due to disaster
>Like flood, earthquake,volcano.etc
>Remnants and impressions
5)Connecting links :-
>Morphological characters
>Peripatus is a connecting link between annelida and arthropoda
>Reptiles lay eggs
>Mammals are evolved from reptiles and amphibians from fishes
6) Embryological Evidences:-
Embryo show extreme similarities during initial stages and those similarities decreases gradually