Caramelized Cranberry Cake for the Cape Cod Select Holiday Blogging Challenge

I was approached by Cape Cod Select and asked if I would be interested in entering their Holiday Blogging Challenge.  Categories for this challenge are beverage, entrees and baking.  Bloggers are allowed to participate in all 3 categories if they wish.  One winner is chosen from each category and will receive a prize of $500 and there will be one overall winning recipe for a grand prize of $1000.

I was sent two bags of fresh frozen cranberries for use in this challenge.  I have not/nor will I receive any monetary compensation unless I am deemed a winner of this challenge in one of the aforementioned categories.  To participate in this challenge I have agreed to refer to the cranberries by name brand in the recipe, include a picture of the cranberries that I received to use in this challenge and include links to the companies social media as well as a download to stores where my readers will be able to find Cape Cod Select Cranberries.

That being disclosed, I want to assure my readers that all opinions in this post are completely mine and completely accurate.  Cape Cod Select Cranberries were used in the implementation of this recipe so as to allow me to take part in this challenge.

I was excited to enter this challenge.  I love baking and cooking with cranberries. In fact, I participated in a Cranberry Week challenge last month where a group of us shared cranberry recipes for a whole week!

I love cakes but I am not a huge frosting fan so when I am able to make a cake sans frosting I jump at the chance.

This cake is made in the style of an upside down cake.  I first caramelized the fruit in a cast iron skillet, added the batter and allowed it to bake creating a syrupy sweet topping that was offset by the tart bite of the cranberries. 

I hope you enjoy my recipe.  You can find Cape Cod Select Cranberries at nearly 5000 stores nationwide.  Check their store locator to find them near you.  Cape Cod Select is also on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Caramelized Cranberry Cake
created by A Day in the Life on the Farm

Prep time: 10 minutes
Bake time: 50 minutes

1 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. butter, divided
1 t. cinnamon
2 c.  Cape Cod Select Premium Frozen Cranberries, thawed
3/4 c. granulated sugar
2 eggs
3/4 c. milk
1 t. vanilla
1/2 c. sour cream
2 c. all purpose flour
2 t. baking powder

In a 12" cast iron skillet, over med high heat, melt 1/4 c. of the butter.  Add the brown sugar and cinnamon. Cook and stir until melted and bubbly.  Remove from heat and add the cranberries, stirring to coat and covering the bottom of the pan.

In the large bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the remaining 1/4 c. of butter with the granulated sugar.  Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each.  Stir in the milk, vanilla and sour cream.  With the mixer on low speed, gradually add the flour and baking powder until moistened. Increase the speed and mix until just blended.  

Carefully pour the batter into the skillet in a circular fashion covering the cranberries evenly.  Place in a preheated 375* oven for 40-50 minutes, until golden brown and a skewer inserted in the center removes cleanly.  Remove from oven and cool in pan on baking rack for 10 minutes.  Run a knife around the edges of the cake and flip onto a serving platter.  Print Recipe

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