Ice Harbor L&D News Clippings

Since the Sep 2020 version of Google's blogspot software has performance problems if a post gets big, and Andy posted nine clippings in one day, I'm now recording news clippings in these notes. 

See "1962,2018 603mw Ice Harbor Lock and Dam on the Snake River" for the general notes about this dam.

Andy Michel posted
Ice Harbor Spillway Gate Heaters   Tri-City Herald   June 8th, 1958

Andy Michel posted
River Pilots Tell of Lock Hazards   Tri-City Herald   June 15, 1958
Andy Michel posted
Ice Harbor Dam Construction in Final Phases   Tri-City Herald   March 13th, 1960

Andy Michel posted
Ice Harbor Navigation Lock Cracks   The Bellingham Herald   August 8th, 1965
Andy Michel posted

Andy Michel posted
Borrowing McNary Navigation Lock Stoplogs at Ice Harbor   Tri-City Herald   February 27th, 1968
Jim Duffus: On the original locks at the Panama Canal all miter gates were interchangeable with the exception of the sea gates at Miraflores which were longer because of the Pacific tides. Caissons were sunk for locks overhaul and they were moored in the freshwater lake and taken to the locks by tug when ever needed.
Andy Michel: Jim Duffus Flexibility is the key!

I didn't know about "nitrogen supersaturation." This article is old. I wonder how much of these modifications had been done.
Andy Michel posted
Flip Lips & Slotted Gates    Tri-City Herald   March 12th, 1972
Neil Jacobson: They installed aggressive flip lips on the spillway at CJ and it did make a difference plus a spectacular display when spilling.
[Unfortunately, I don't know which dam "CJ" stand for.]
Andy Michel posted
Ice Harbor Units 4-6 Rough Turbine Shaft Ready for Machining    Tri-City Herald    February 1st, 1973
[This taught me that Allis-Chalmers had a plant in Bethlehem, PA.]

This article applies to all of the big Northwest dams, so I'll put it in this in my news-only notes. 
Andy Michel posted
Luck important in power generation   Tri-City Herald    June 13th, 1975
Delta Mike: Could be a sectional view of my dam also. Big Bend in South Dakota.
Mike Kluth: Delta Mike I thought that the Missouri river Dams had Francis turbines.
Delta Mike: Mike Kluth Big Bend is 3 blade, fixed pitch Kaplan turbines. We are very low head, typically 70' max.
Mike Kluth: At the time of the article the 600 & 700mw Grand Coulee Third powerhouse units were being built.
Jake Silverdale: Back when visitors were allowed at the locks I had someone ask me, “How come all of the electricity is used out of the water at the next dam upstream?” 😟🤔
Leon Powell: Jake Silverdale had a guy at Broken Bow had a whole story to go with that. Said there was still some electricity left in it and that was why a chain link fence ran part way down to the state park. He could tell it with a straight face too!

If they did install slotted gates, it was only temporary because they used the generation bays for generation in 1975.
Andy Michel posted
Ice Harbor Units 4-6    97% Complete   The Spokesman-Review   September 24th, 1975

Andy Michel posted
Mid-Columbia is center of vast power complex    Tri-City Herald    March 7th, 1976

Andy Michel posted three images with the comment: "Tug Boat Pushing Loaded Grain Barges Impacted Ice harbor Navigation Lock Upstream Gate  September 19th, 1976"

[The article called it a Tainter gate. But I'll bet it is a sluice gate. That is what it looks like in a satellite image.]

Andy Michel posted
Barge Traffic Waiting for McNary Navigation Lock to Open   Tri-City Herald    July 7th, 1978

Andy Michel posted
Barges Biding Time While Gate Repaired   Spokane Chronicle   October 18th, 1979
Mike Kluth: They sure saved a lot while building the lock, but the maintenance costs were terrific. Gordon Gann said that "Value Engineering Savings Ideas, did not take into consideration the long-term maintenance costs.

Andy Michel posted
Metal Chunks Force Lock Limits   Tri-City Herald   June 22nd, 1988

Andy Michel posted
Thanks Delores!!   Tri-City Herald   August 2nd, 1990
Mike Kluth: The Captain did not get wet and called the Boss from the lock stand to report his tug was sinking

Andy Michel posted
LOCKED DOWN   Tri-City Herald   September 22nd, 1994

Andy Michel posted
Army Corps Takes a Crack at Lock Repairs
Tri-City Herald
March 11th, 1995
Article gate dimensions: 130 feet tall x 125 feet tall
Actual gate dimensions:  91 feet tall x 88 feet wide
Dennis DeBruler: Thanks for the correction. That was a rather significant error. 91' tall is impressive enough.

Andy Michel posted
Tug Boat Impacts Ice Harbor Navigation Lock Upstream Gate  Tri-City Herald   December 19th, 1995

Andy Michel posted two images with the comment: "Barging the Snake   The Spokesman-Review   January 3rd, 1999"
Dennis DeBruler: So why can the salmon get past the four dams on the Columbia River but not the four dams on the Snake River? They get too tired going up the ladders on the Columbia River dams?
Andy Michel: Dennis DeBruler We’ve really improved our fish passage. People have resorted to saying we’re killing whales because of the Snake River Dams now.
Neil Jacobson: It’s not about how many get thru it’s the leftist communist democrats that want them removed just because it’s their agenda.


Andy Michel posted
Dam Y2K!  Eeeeeeeeeek......   Tri-City Herald   Feruary 28th, 1999

Andy Michel posted
Ice Harbor Navigation Lock Dried Out For Repair Job   Tri-City Herald   March 11th, 2000

Andy Michel posted tow images with the comment: "Lockmaster Russ giving navigation lock training.   Tri-City Herald   November 4th, 2002"


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