September 9th, 2005

September 9, 2005

Clinton V. Campbell
Judge Maria Luisa Oxholm
Complaint 05-15914

Today another hearing was held. Today Judge Oxhom denied my motion to return my daughter to her established custodial environment to attend school even thought the temporary order regarding “summer parenting” had expired. Ms. Oxholm further ruled that a final custody ruling would be delayed because she wished to obtain further medical evaluations. She also extended her illegal “temporary order” for Plaintiff’s extended summer parenting time since spring has turned to fall during the course of these never ending proceedings. It has now been six months without a ruling. Although I was granted Sole Physical Custody of my child pursuant to the decree of divorce, my best understanding is that Ms. Oxholm has decreed that Plaintiff now has “extended, temporary, Sole Physical and Legal custody pending a final ruling that shall remain pending indefinitely”… I allege based upon her conduct to date that Maria Oxholm has wrongfully committed the following offenses.

1. Delay (includes delay in deciding a case) including trumping up evaluations to delay decisions.
2. Injudicious temperament (includes failure to be patient, dignified, and courteous or by exhibiting rude or intimidating conduct)
3. Abuse of judicial power (includes a knowing or persistent disregard of clear law or fundamental rights)
4. Legal error / improper procedure (includes court procedures and rulings on evidence, criminal sentences and custody)
5. Failure to review evidence (includes failure to take testimony or hold evidentiary hearings prior to making decisions)
6. Violation of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution; (denial of due process, failure to uphold sworn duty to obey the United States Constitution)
7. Lack of Judicial Intellect (includes rulings and/or opinions that a reasonable person would consider lacking in logic, intelligence and/or exhibits a bizarre thought process.)

My previous custody hearing was held in the courtroom of the Honorable Judge William Giovan. A decision was rendered in two weeks. Why has Maria Oxholm not made a decision in six months while my child remains in a dangerous situation? Why did Maria Oxholm overturn the order of a fellow jurist of high regard (The Honorable Judge William Giovan) without even holding a hearing? I have been notified that a neighbor of Plaintiff’s has called Social Service and initiated an investigation by the Michigan Department of Family Services into the possible abuse of my daughter, also the Principal at my daughter’s new school has emailed me today that she will inform the proper authorities to do what is best for the safety of Alexis. According to my daughter, a school social worker spoke with Alexis on September 2, 2005 and advised her that her Father was taking her to the hospital after school; my ex-husband has not to my knowledge taken Alexis to a hospital or given her the medications she has been prescribed.
To date, my daughter’s therapist, my daughter’s psychiatrist, my ex-husband's neighbor and now my daughter’s new school are all concerned about my daughter’s safety while in the court ordered captivity of her father. Does my daughter need die before Maria Oxholm is capable of making a ruling that is in the best interests of my child?

I would point out to the commission that in the original custody hearing before Judge Giovan, that my ex-husband went to the court while he had scheduled visitation of my daughter. He swore to the court that I had abandoned my child to his care. Upon learning that my ex-husband, Mr. Clinton, had in fact kidnapped my daughter, Judge Giovan termed Mr. Clinton a “pathological liar”. In the course of another hearing before the Honorable Judge Callahan, my ex-attorney and now Michigan Judge Bridgett Officer had to be escorted by the Sheriff’s department from the courthouse under armed protection after Mr. Clinton threatened her life. Yet Maria Oxholm has glowingly deemed every utterance from Mr. Clinton as “creditable” while labeling the facts I have presented before the court as “not creditable” and called me a liar.

As previously stated in my original complaint, Maria Oxholm has been rude, insulting and discourteous to me, my witness’ and even to my attorney. Her conduct is that of a petty tyrant and a thug rather than a judge.

I have been in courtrooms of other judges of family court. I am baffled by the contrast and incompetence of Maria Oxholm. I find it highly troubling that a political appointee such as Maria Oxholm has the supreme arrogance to flippantly overturn the previous orders of Senior Judges of the Michigan Family Court in the matter of custody and blatantly ignore the pleadings of the Chief of the Circuit Court of Missouri to transfer jurisdiction in accordance with the law. Pomposity, ignorance and judicial arrogance are serious character flaws not a defense for conduct placing a child in danger.

Prior to taking testimony she held me in criminal contempt of court (note Exhibit A Court transcript). After stating her ruling she then took hearsay testimony from plaintiff and admitted it into evidence as the basis for her ruling. Prior to holding a hearing or taking testimony she issued a ruling changing custody of my child. We are now in the sixth month of taking testimony, medical evaluations and endless legal delay tactics as Maria Oxholm attempts to find some legal grounds for her initial illegal rulings. Prior to issuing an opinion on the twelve best interest factors for the child or reaching any ruling in the custody of my child, Maria Oxholm advised Judge Sill-Rogers of the Missouri Circuit Court that it was her intention to award custody to Plaintiff. This occurred during a telephone conference held on July 14th, 2005, yet this sham “evidentiary hearing” currently remains in process with no end in sight. There is a recurring pattern to her conduct that is not in harmony with most interpretations of due process of law.

Considering her pattern of prejudged rulings and denial of due process AND since a Judge takes an oath to uphold the U. S. Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, Judge Oxholm in my case did violate the 14th amendment on more than one occasion. This would lead a reasonable person to believe that Judge Oxholm does not fully comprehend the meaning of the U.S. Constitution and therefore it would seem this Judge is mentally impaired in her thinking and judgment and is and was at the time of the several rulings in violation of the Constitution of the United States and therefore rulings as a result of this violation would be considered Ab initio. Null and Void.

I have been ordered by Maria Oxholm to pay $750 in one week’s time so that a psychiatrist she recommends may evaluate me. I shall be unable to comply with her latest order. The actions of Maria Oxholm have left me unable to obtain this sum of money. Because of her jailing me and due to my many travels to appear in these endless hearings, I no longer have employment. Because she has indicated she may sentence me to another 16 days in jail at the conclusion of these hearings, I cannot look for new employment until I am aware as to whether or not I’ll be incarcerated. Previously, I have borrowed from family and friends to finance these endless proceedings and travel expenses. With great embarrassment, I again approached my family in hopes of obtaining funding for Judge Oxholm’s latest extortion. I was denied my requests because my family universally felt that the only party in dire need of psychological evaluation is obviously Maria Luisa Oxholm.

I strongly state to the Judicial Tenure Commission that I have not received fair or legal treatment in the courtroom of Maria Oxholm. She is an embarrassment to the entire Michigan Judiciary and has the reputation amongst litigants, attorneys and even her fellow colleagues on the bench as an indecisive, incompetent political hack that is too intellectually lazy to abide by such troublesome niceties as due process. Several National Organizations have agreed to take up my cause and seek redress against Maria Oxholm personally for knowingly exercising illegal authority while acting as a private citizen without benefit of judicial jurisdiction. Several sympathetic legislators have been made aware of this tragedy and are launching independent investigations. My case, the case before you now, represents the very worst that can go wrong with the rights of those that appear before the Michigan Judiciary and deserves your immediate action.

Permanent termination of parental rights has been described as "the family law equivalent of the death penalty in a criminal case." In re Smith (1991), 77 Ohio App.3d 1, 16, 601 N.E.2d 45, 54. Therefore, parents "must be afforded every procedural and substantive protection the law allows." Id.

Humbly yours,

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