'Animals' Question & Answer for class 10 ( ten )

Sun: 1Additional Important Questions &

Answers on ‘Animals’ from Model Question Bank by P.B.

1.      Very Short Type Questions :    Mark : 1
1.      Choose the correct alternative:
(a) The poem “Animals” is composed by
(i) Robert Frost (ii) Walt Whitman (iii) W.B. Yeats.
Ans:    (ii) Walt Whitman

(b) The poet wishes to live
(i) in a village (ii) in a jungle (iii) with animals
Ans:    (iii) with animals

(c) Animals, according to the poet, are
(i) placid and self-contained (ii) brutal        (iii) placid only.
Ans:    (i) placid and self-contained

(d) The animals do not weep over their
(i) sins (ii) ancestors  (iii) failures.
Ans:    (i) sins

(e) In the world of animals, no one is
(i) honest        (ii) respectable or unhappy   (iii) materialistic
Ans:    (ii) respectable or unhappy

2.      Choose the correct meaning of the italicized words from the alternatives given in brackets.
(a) ………. so ‘placid’ and self contained ……….
[calm / pleased / angry ]
Ans:    calm.

(b) ………. sweat and ‘whine’ about ……….
[roar / a long, high complaining cry / utter softly ]
Ans:    a long, high complaining cry.

(c) ………. one is ‘demented’ with ……….
[sane / calm / mad]
Ans:    mad.
(d) ………. ‘evince’ them plainly ……….
[show / express / presents]
Ans:    show. 

3.      Donut: 2True or false
(a) Walt Whitman composed the poem “Animals”.           Ans:    True.
(b) This poem is taken from ‘Song of Myself’ in leaves of grass.              Ans:    True.
(c) Animals are the creatures that create havoc.               Ans:    False.
(d) Animals are not placid.               Ans:    False.
(e) Animals do not weep for their sins.                   Ans:    True.
(f) According to the poet, no one amongst the animals are mad for owning things.      Ans:    True.
4.      Who wrote the poem, “Animals”?
Ans:    Walt Whitman wrote the poem “Animals”.
5.      Name the book from where this poem has been taken.
Ans:    This poem has been taken from Walt Whitman’s collection of poems, “Leaves of Grass”.
6.      What was the wish of the poet?
Ans:    The wish of the poet was to turn into an animal and live with them.
7.      What are the qualities possessed by the animals?
Ans:    The animals possess the qualities of placidity, self-dependence, complacence and simplicity.
8.      What, according to the poet, do the animals not do regarding their condition?
Ans:    The animals, according to the poet, neither sweat and whine about their condition nor lie awake at night and weep for their sins.
9.      What do the animals not do for their sins?
Ans:    The animals do not lie awake at night and weep for their sins.
10. Are they dissatisfied?
Ans:    No, they aren’t.
11. With what are the animals not demented?
Ans:    The animals are not demented with the mania of owning things.
12. What do the animals bring to the poet?
Ans:    The animals bring tokens of mutual love and understanding to the poet.
13. Explosion 1: 3Why does the poet wonder?
Ans:    The poet wonders where the animals got the tokens they bring to him.
14. Give the meaning of the following words:
Ans:    placid – calm, self-contained – independent / self-dependent, weep – to express deep sorrow by shedding tears, demented – mad, kneels – to fall or rest on the knees, evince – show.

placid, self-contained, weep, demented, kneels, evince
2.Short Type Questions : Marks : 2/3
1.      Why does Walt Whitman feel more at home with animals?
Ans:    Animals are placid and self-contained. They worry neither about their condition nor about their sins. They are not dissatisfied, respectable, unhappy or demented with the mania of owning things. They show their relations with the poet. So the poet Walt Whitman feels more at home with them.
2.      What quality of the animals mesmerizes the poet?
Ans:    The poet is mesmerised with the animals’ qualities such as placidity, self-dependence, complacence and simplicity.
3.      How do the animals act about their condition and duty to God?
Ans:    The animals never sweat and whine about their condition. They do not make others sick discussing their duty to God.
4.      How are animals superior to human beings?
Ans:    The animals are placid, self-sufficient, complacent and simple. Unlike humans, they do not worry about their condition and sins, nor do they make others sick discussing their duty to God. They are not demented with the mania of owning things. So they are superior to human beings.
5.      What are the ‘tokens’ that the poet says he may have dropped long ago, and which the animals have kept for him?
Ans:    The ‘tokens’ are of mutual love and understanding that the ancestors of the poet used to share with the animals thousands of years ago. The poet says that they dropped them and the animals kept them.
6.      Mention three things that humans do and animals don’t.
Ans:    Humans sweat and whine about their condition; but animals don’t. Humans lie awake at night and weep for their sins; but animals don’t. Humans make each other sick discussing their duty to God, but animals don’t.

7.      Cross: 4“I think I could turn and live with animals,
They are so placid and self-contain’d.
I stand and look at them long and long.”
(a) Name the poet and the poem.
Ans:    The name of the poet is Walt Whitman and the poem is “Animals”.
(b) What quality of the animals impressed the poet?
Ans:    The qualities of placidity, self-dependence, complacence and simplicity of the animals impressed the poet.
8.     “They do not sweat and whine about their condition
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins.
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God”
(a) Who is the ‘they’ referred to here?
Ans:    The ‘they’ referred to here are the animals.
(b) Name the things ‘they’ do not do.
Ans:    ‘They’ do not worry about their condition or sins. ‘They’ do not make each other sick discussing their duty to God.
9.     “Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.
(a) Who is the speaker here?
Ans:    The speaker here is the poet Walt Whitman.
(b) What does the speaker mean when he utters those lines?
Ans:    The speaker means that the animals are independent and free. None of them have excessive regard for any of them or to their kind. None is respectable or unhappy.
10. 4-Point Star: 5“They bring me tokens of myself, they evince them plainly in their possession
I wonder where they get these tokens,
Did I pass that way huge times ago and negligently drop them?”
(a) Who is ‘they’ referred to here?
Ans:    ‘They’ referred to here are the animals.
(b) What are the ‘tokens’ mentioned here?
Ans:    The ‘tokens’ are of mutual love and understanding that the ancestors of the poet used to share with the animals thousands of years ago.
Q11-Why does Whitman admire animals?
Ans- Whitman finds that animals have many virtues which are lacking in men. Animals never grumble on their condition. They are not mad for material things. They always remain satisfied. They don’t have to kneel to any of their kind. That is why Whitman admires animals.

Q12-What vices in human beings does Whitman notice?
Ans- Human beings ever remain dissatisfied. They keep grumbling about their condition. They go mad for material things. They talk about their duty to God, but never think about their duty to God’s men.

Q13-Why does Whitman want to live with animals?
Ans Whitman finds that animals have many virtues that men are lacking. They remain very calm, quiet and satisfied.  They have no worries. That is why Whitman wants to live with them.

Q14-Why have animals not to lie awake in the dark?
Ans-Animals don’t commit any sin. They have no worries. They are always happy. They have nothing to grumble about .So they don’t have to lie awake in the night. They have no sins to weep over.

Q15-What are the things that humans do but animals don’t?
Ans-Man are always unhappy and discontented. They keep grumbling. They go mad for material possessions. Animals do none of these things. They are always happy and contended. They don’t have to weep over their sins.

All The Best

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