Breaking: Treasonous Governor Signs California Sanctuary State Bill

Governor Jerry Brown has decided to violate his oath of office and has signed off on the California Values Act, aka The Sanctuary State Bill SB 54.

This disastrous move should come as no surprise, however, since Brown pressured the bill's main author Kevin De Leon to enact key changes to the legislation. The amendments to the bill outlined a long list of key felonies which would still be reported to ICE following the arrest, incarceration, and release of criminal illegal aliens in California jails.

Still ...

The state of California has thrown up an attempted "Welcome" sign to every migrant in the world, that they can break into the United States, specifically the state of California, commit a long list of low-level crimes, and not worry about deportation.


How many more Americans will have to die before hard-line liberals and centrist voters realize that illegal immigration is not a victimless crime? How many more American citizens have to be forced out of work or live in communities where the quality of life diminishes drastically because of illegal immigration?

For years, the media covered up the fatal damage caused by illegal immigration on black communities. Radio host Terry Anderson reported as much as he could, and even testified before Congress twice to raise alarms about illegal immigration in California:

This is the reality in black neighborhoods in Los Angeles.

Listen to this sobering account from a mother who lost her son, murdered by an illegal alien:

Check out what this mother has faced, what her children have faced because they are white:

Instead of caring about California residents, citizens, taxpayers, Governor Brown wants to play politics and endanger American lives.

He has signed SB 54:

In a sharp rebuke to President Trump’s expanded deportation orders, Gov. Jerry Brown signed landmark “sanctuary state” legislation Thursday, vastly limiting who state and local law enforcement agencies can hold, question and transfer at the request of federal immigration authorities.

This is beyond shameful, but at the same time considerably misleading. The latest iteration of SB 54 allowed a long list of felonious illegal aliens to be released to ICE. Still, though, it's very easy for felonies to be turned into misdemeanors, which in turn means that those illegal aliens will be back on California streets.

It is really sad to see the Democratic legislature turn into such an abject, partisan hate machine directing all of its energies against the White House. Shouldn't they be focusing on doing what is best for California citizens? 

This Trump Derangement Syndrome has severe consequences. This is not just a game of political points and potshots. Lives are at stake, and the Governor simply does not care.

Senate Bill 54, which takes effect in January, has been hailed as part of a broader effort by majority Democrats in the California Legislature to shield more than 2.3 million immigrants living illegally in the state. Weeks before Brown’s signature made it law, it was met with swift denunciations from Trump administration officials and became the focus of a national debate over how far states and cities can go to prevent their officers from enforcing federal immigration laws.

Californians have until January 1 to file lawsuits to stop this legislative insanity. The 2.3 million illegal aliens should not be in the country, and now out of that subset population, perhaps as much as one fifth will continue to commit crimes and terrorize communities. Crime hurts everyone, regardless of ethnic background. This is wrong, all wrong.

Brown took the unusual step of penning a signing message in support of SB 54. He called the legislation a balanced measure that would allow police and sheriff’s agencies to continue targeting dangerous criminals, while protecting hardworking families without legal residency in the country.

Dangerous criminals? We should be focusing on Governor Jerry Brown and his Democratic ilk, not just the illegal aliens whom Brown and Democrats across the country are agitating to remain in the United States.

Governor Brown's signature is a crime in itself. Parents who have lost their children to illegal aliens have called for Brown to be arrested. I think it's time to take down the entire government of California with recalls and legislative, executive appeals to Washington DC.

This is wrong, and we cannot allow it!

To be sadly, frank, Brown's decision to sign is devastating, but not unexpected.

This is outrageous, but ultimately a desperate measure.

Californians have been pushed to the brink, and the legislation had to be considerably watered down for passage and signature.

California is headed for some rough times from the feds, no doubt. Jeff Sessions has already begun cutting funding to sanctuary jurisdictions. Operation Safe City serves as a reminder that ICE can go wherever they please in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of sanctuary city status.

We Americans, we California citizens, have a lot of work to do. We need to start filing lawsuits and to put all elected officials on notice for this erosion of the public trust and this undermining of our nation's sovereignty.

The vast majority of Californians are in vocal opposition to sanctuary cities, and to turn the entire state into a sanctuary for illegal aliens will not doubt awaken uprisings. The fight for the rule of law is far from over. Already county sheriffs have signaled their opposition to this unconstitutional measure, and they will comply with federal law, as required by the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution.

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