Yup. Those of you who are caught up on the news know that Traitor Guardsmen are one of those units that you will face in the Blackstone Fortress. You probably already saw the Traitor Guardsmen first on this video.
Yup! We have Traitor Guardsmen models for Blackstone Fortress! That's cool for those who love role-playing games and are looking forward to participate in the Warhammer Quest or Blackstone Fortress stuff, but what does it mean for the rest of us wargamers who play 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000?

According to Warhammer Community:
"With such incredible models in the set, we want to give you every excuse possible to use them in your games. If you like a particular explorer and want to bring your favourite hostiles from the set to your battles, you’ll be able to do so with the included datasheets and matched play points in the set."
So yeah! We will be getting datasheets and matched play points for our Traitor Guardsmen!

Based on this leaked picture, it seems that each Traitor Guardsman costs 7 points and you can take a minimum of 5 models per unit or squad.
Wait, what?!
That sucks. I was hoping to be able to take these Traitor Guardsmen as alternatives to Chaos Cultists so that I can actually build a proper Prosperine Spireguard, or just Spireguard, to fight alongside my Thousand Sons. Imagine Spireguard fighting next to their Thousand Sons sorcerous masters! Stupid of me. In a previous version of my post, I mistakenly read the picture above as Traitor Guardsmen costing 7 points per model. I was dead wrong. My mistake. It is written as the Traitor Guardsmen being 7 models per unit, and the total points for the unit is 35. In other words, each Traitor Guardsman model costs 5 points. Not so bad. A bit more expensive than Cultists, but I believe they'll have better leadership, wargear or equipment, and armor saves, so perhaps that 1 point more is worth it. We'll see! Perhaps Traitor Guardsmen will be Troops Choice in a Lost and Damned Detachment that allows us to take Leman Russ tanks. We'll see. But damn, please give them access to tanks, artillery and gunships so that we can finally field proper Traitor Guardsmen regiments like the Blood Pact, Sons of Sek, and my very own Prosperine Spireguard! I've always wanted to do something similar to Battle of the Fang where the Thousand Sons didn't just launch an attack on their own - they relied on 2 million Guardsmen of the Spireguard to assault Fenris! Plus lots of Guard war machines such as Chimera, Basilisks, and Leman Russ tanks! How cool can it be for us to have the same on the tabletop?
Anyway, I'll let you guys know more when I get more details regarding Traitor Guardsmen, and whether it's viable to run an allied Prosperine Spireguard detachment to my Thousand Sons!