The Week In Kuching

I was back in my hometown, Kuching for the past few days. Those were full days of shooting, catching up with family and friends, shooting and even more shooting!

I was home to shoot for my cousin Andy's wedding, which was a beautiful ceremony and I cannot wait to share some photos here soon from that wedding shoot. It has been a while since I last shot any wedding assignment, so this was particularly challenging for me, but I had such a blast capturing overabundant joy and happiness of the newly weds together with their family, relatives and friends!

I also spent an evening volunteering myself to cover a local poetry/creative writing/spoken words event, Word Of Mouth 9 (WOM9): Hunger and it was quite an experience being immersed in a different artistic medium for a change. It was quite inspiring seeing local Kuching talents sharing their talent and creativity on stage.

I made sure that I spent as much time as I could with beloved mum, who is doing great by the way, and we celebrated a belated mother's day in Kuching. It was a miracle that I still managed to find time to catch up with a few other close friends.

I squeezed one morning just for shutter therapy. I did not get many usable shots, but it was amazing shooting alongside Jee and Madey, both street photographers whom I have exhibited together with earlier this year. I really did wish I had more time to shoot on the beautiful streets of Kuching, but I also believe that getting my priority right is more important. Time with beloved mum and friends was well spent.

All images were taken with an Olympus PEN E-P5, Panasonic 14mm F2.5 and M.Zuiko 45mm F1.8 lens.

Orange on Orange

Curiosity And A Box 

A Sikh Temple

Squares and Holes

The Invisible Husband

Cat 1

Cat 2

Cat 3

The Jump

The Landing

Jee and Madey, awesome buddies for street shooting!

The best breakfast in the world, SARAWAK LAKSA!!!

I should really plan a non-paid-shooting trip home, just so that I can explore and roam the streets freely! And of course, to enjoy all the scrumptious local delicacies Sarawak has to offer. 

If you have not visited Kuching, Sarawak, I strongly urge you to do so. It is such a beautiful city!

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