Dani Spinosa : Flowers for Helen (for Helen Hajnoczky

from Report from the Hajnoczky Society, Vol. 1 No. 1






 This poem types and manipulates the names of several flowers taken from the “Bloom & Martyr” section of Frost & Pollen and reads them through a clipping mask of a vagina scanned in from a 1979 issue of Penthouse. This poem was inspired especially by Klara du Plessis’s comparison of Hajnoczky’s poems in Frost & Pollen to the flowers of Georgia O’Keefe in a blurb for the collection.





Dani Spinosa (she/herses) is a poet of digital and print media, a precariously-employed professor, the Managing Editor of the Electronic Literature Directory, and a co-founding editor of Gap Riot Press. She has published several chapbooks of poetry, several more peer-reviewed journal articles on poetry, one long scholarly book, and one pink poetry book.


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