Prawn Noodles, Garlic Butter Prawns & Char Choy Soup

Our younger son came home to visit the last weekend of November, one weekend after the elder son visited. This was last Friday of November and younger son will only be reaching home after lunch.

After morning walk, we drove to Menglembu new township for prawn noodles. We ordered a cup of kopi-C kosong to share.
Back home in my garden.
The green brinjals seem to like the rainy season.
The only problem is keeping a look out for the mealy bugs that like to attack the brinjal plants.
Simple lunch in Falim.
We ordered a bowl of porridge, red bean tong sui (sweet porridge) and some fried fritters for 2 people.
2 pieces of fried yam bean fritters and 2 pieces of enoki mushroom fritters.
Home cooked dinner for 3 people.
Fried garlic butter prawns.
Younger son requested for prawns minus the shells.
Blanched lettuce, drizzled with garlic oil, oyster and soy sauce.
Ingredients used: Salted Sichuan vegetable (char choy), tomatoes, carrots and 1 small kampung chicken (free range chicken).
A friend sent me the following bird photos.
Bird photos credited to BKC.
Can someone help confirm the identify of this bird?
Is this an egret?
This bird has been walking on the fence surrounding my friend's house. Inspecting the nice surrounding and probably wanting to make it home here.
Thank you, friend for sharing the photos.

No, I don't need your sacrifices of flesh and blood.
What I want from you is your true thanks;
I want your promises fulfilled.
I want you to trust me in your times of trouble,
so I can rescue you and you can give me glory.
(Psalm 50:13-15, The Living Bible-TLB)

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