Seven Years of Blogging.......Really??

Some lovely morning cheer to you, on this Sunday morning Why, just look at the's  Sunday, the first day of March......and in calender terms, for us here downunder, the first day of autumn. Yes, summer will soon leave my little place, making way for autumn and the explosion of all those glorious burnished colours that will swirl around and around. But, the purpose of this post is not to lament over summer abandoning my little part of the world (and I do) to the northern hemisphere, but to celebrate an anniversary. Seven years ago on this very day I entered into the fascinating world of blogland, clicking the publish key for my very first blog post. Gosh, when I look back at that very first post it was as if  I took baby first steps. It was short and brief (how that has changed) and hardly any photos (can you believe that!!!!). I was as a babe in the blogging woods. Hardly anyone read my post and just one lady commented. Though it is a wonderful thing to have people visit and bless my day with sweet comments, I suppose I blog because I love to write, I adore styling photo shoots, and the taking of happy snaps gives me much joy. I consider each post to be a chapter in my book.

So, what happened at my little place this year?? As I strolled through past posts I see that I didn't seem to finish a lot of pretties. Though I did fashion 3 quilts; one which was completely machine stitched and two which were a combination of machine piecing, hand applique and hand quilting. I seemed to have spent a lot of time enjoying hand stitching this year, thus the reason why there is not a veritable quilt shop to showcase. So, I suppose with the hand quilting of two of my queen bed size quilts which took a little while, I didn't do too badly.

Shall we skip along the flower-lined path that was this past year??

As well as three quilty finishes, more flowers 'growed' from that magical packet of seeds for my flower garden quilt. Not many, but a few. Perhaps my quilt where flowers bloom all over will be the subject of next year's blogging anniversary. We can but live in hope, can we not??

There were a couple of bags that I imagined for some friends......oh, and I had forgotten all about the tarted up jacket I fashioned.

It wouldn't be me if there wasn't a post, or two, or three.............gushing about the garden and all the pretty flowers that bloom within it. Nor would it be me if there were no happy snap after happy snap of all the blossoms that  gift me daily with their beauty. I am smitten with flowers. Indeed, all the flowers inspire the pretties I fashion. As Hans Christian said all those years ago "Just living is not enough, said the butterfly. One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower." AND.....I must, must have a little flower!

As I sit here and reflect upon this blogging caper it strikes me what a wonderful place 'The Land of Blogging' is. There are those of you, who though I have never met in person it is as if I have known you all my life. I get a sense of " too". I feel you and I would have many a merry natter, drinking tea in pretty tea cups as we while away the hours. I say this a lot, but I feel you and I are kindred spirits. Each time I visit your lovely blogs you inspire me with your uniqueness, your beautiful imaginations and your amazing creativity that you imagine.  It is delightful to take an armchair ride each time and stroll through your lovely homes; to admire the pretty cushion that you have lovingly stitched  which takes pride of place on the sofa, or indeed marvel at the pretty cross stitch so beautifully framed, hanging on the wall. Then there are those of you where I take a peek in your sewing room, or the place where you sit and crochet; or indeed the kitchen where you whip up concoctions of delicious cakes. There are those too, who each week  invite me to partake in a virtual tea party so beautifully laid out with pretty china tea cups and teapots, sweet embroidered tablecloths and a vase or two of flowers. Aah....yes, this blogging caper is a most delightful phenonenom.

Now......before I go, it wouldn't be an anniversary if there wasn't a little something to gift one of you, just as a thank you for your many kindness you have blessed me with throughout this year. I fashioned this bag a little while ago and thought that maybe some of you (there must be one or two of you, who wouldn't mind being seen in public sporting this pretty....surely) would not be adverse to receiving this pretty in the post. If  indeed you hanker after a bag oozing with purple and green, boho loveliness, fringing, vintage needlepoints and pretty fripperies, then could you please say so when you comment. If you are a no reply blogger, then you will need to pop by here, in a week or so, to see if you are indeed 'the one' who might be seen out and about town with this pretty slung over your shoulder.

As it is Sunday, I am thinking I will enjoy a little relaxing, Sweet Sunday stitching later this evening. A few more sweet hexies have been stitched.......many, many more to go.

Here's to more posts as I skip along the fun-filled road of blogland. You are invited to skip along with me, too. Skipping down flower-lined paths is so much more beautiful, when shared with a friend. Here's to more skipping along the bendy flower-lined path penning my muddly thoughts; a few more posts waxing lyrical about the next pretty I have fashioned; a few more posts oohing and aahing.....gushing over some gorgeous blossom I have picked from the garden......or some other funny story that tickles my funny bone. This blogging caper is really rather akin to keeping a visual journal of my days, after all.

The blogging community is one of encouragement and friendship. It is a place filled with beauty, oodles of inspiration, affection and love. A heartfelt thank you to those of you who have many times this year, taken precious time out of your day to pop by and gift me with your sweet comments; your beautiful words. Again, it is with a grateful heart I say, thank you♥

Until the next time........

Linking up this week to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching.

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