The power of Daffodils!

I never cease to be amazed at the "strength" of plants - and not just the obvious strength of something like Japanese Knotweed invading a house,  or a mighty tree pushing aside fences and walls, in slow motion: no, I'm amazed at smaller things, for instance the way a tiny weed will push its way up through tarmac. Or the way that spring bulbs will manage to find a way up through almost any obstacle.

This morning, checking over my pots of bulbs, I noticed this:

"Huh!" I thought, "Have those darned squirrels been digging in my pots again?" *grumbles under breath*

But when I looked closer...


I'm not sure if you can see it clearly in this photo, right, but the entire top couple of inches of the soil has been  lifted up like a crusty lid. 

All done by the daffodil shoots!

How amazing is that?

It's like something from a cartoon, where lots of tiny creatures all heave together, and lift something huge.


 I've also found daffodils shouldering their way up through a pile of bricks - left - which the careless garden owner had left in a pile on the border.

When I lifted the bricks, I found that not one single daffodil had been "killed" , every single one had found a way up through the bricks, even if it meant having to go sideways a bit before pushing themselves onwards and upwards. 

Moral of the story - plants are amazing!

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