Psychological Statistics Group Project
From the ballot method, our group got regression as our inferential statistical test. As for our two reputable psychological scales, we chose the following:
- SCALE A: "The Gratitude Questionnaire-Six Item Form (GQ-6)"
(McCullough M., E, 2013) - SCALE B: "The Religious Commitment Inventory-10 (RCI-10)"
(Worthington, E. L., Jr., Wade, N. G., Hight, T. L., Ripley, J. S., McCullough, M. E., Berry, J. W., Schmitt, M. M., Berry, J. T., Bursley, K. H., & O’Conner, L., 2012)
A. Religious Commitment
Worthington, E. L., Jr., Wade, N. G., Hight, T. L., Ripley, J. S.,
McCullough, M. E., Berry, J. W., Schmitt, M. M., Berry, J. T., Bursley, K. H.,
& O’Conner, L. . (2012) . The Religious Commitment Inventory-10 (RCI-10)
. Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science. Retrieved from
B. Gratitude Scale
McCullough M., E. (2013). The Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6).
Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science. Retrieved from
C. Online form
In order to collect responses, we decided to choose Online Google Form. We have three sections in our online survey form:
i- Demographic items
ii- Part A: Religious Commitment scale
iii-Part B: Gratitude Questionnaire scale
In order to collect responses, we decided to choose Online Google Form. We have three sections in our online survey form:
i- Demographic items
ii- Part A: Religious Commitment scale
iii-Part B: Gratitude Questionnaire scale