Infolit papers at the World Library and Information Congress

There are a number of presentations relevant to information literacy at the World Library and Information (IFLA) Congress which takes place in Quebec next month. Presenters provide full text papers for the IFLA website, and the ones linked below are already on the site. In the end they are translated into several languages as a rule: some of the items below are already available thus, and more translations are likely to go up after the conference. The papers are all linked from one very long "Programme" page

Firstly, there is a substantial session on Wednesday 13th August organised by the Information Literacy and Academic and Research Libraries IFLA Sections. Return on investment: learners’ outcomes in information literacy. Do they really learn?
- Indicators on ‘information literacy’ and the Information for All programme; a challenge for libraries by Simon Ellis (Head of Science Culture and Communications, UNESCO Institute for Statistics)

- Quels enseignements retenir de l'évaluation des competences documentaires des étudiants qui accèdent à l’enseignement supérieur en Communauté française de Belgique? by Bernard Pochet (Gembloux Agricultural University, Gembloux, Belgium) and Paul Thirion (Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium)

- Could learners outcomes in information literacy be measured: pluses and minuses of testing by Natalia Gendina (Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Kemerovo, Russian Federation)

- More than mere collections: portfolio’s as direct and authentic - assessment of information literacy outcomes by Barbara D'Angelo (Arizona State University, Mesa, USA)
- We have evidence, they are learning: using multiple assessments to measure student information literacy learning outcomes by Gabriela Sonntag (California State University in San Marcos, San Marcos, USA)

- Students’ perspective of the information literacy program offered by the University of the South Pacific by Gwen Noeline Mar (University of the South Pacific Library, Suva, Fiji)
- Appropriation du questionnaire d'auto-évaluation des connaissances informationnelles par les bibliothécaires: le cas des sciences de l'éducation et de l'anthropologie à l'Université de Montréal by J-F Durnin and Catherine Fortier (Montreal University Libraries, Montréal, Canada)

Interesting papers elsewhere on the programme are:
Do librarians like to learn online? by Debbi Boden (University of Worcester,Worcester, UK) and Ruth Stubbings (Pilkington Library, University of Loughborough) (This is about e-learning initiatives for information literacy education for library staff)

Information Literacy by Design: An e-Learning Wiki for Librarians by Corinne Laverty (Queen’s University, Canada)
and the wiki she is speaking about is at

Scholarly E-reading Patterns in Australia, Finland, and the United States: A Cross Country Comparison by Carol Tenopir, Concepción s. Wilson, Pertti Vakkari, Sanna Talja and Donald W. King

An innovative ICT solution to steer rural communities to global understanding: a case study from Durban, South Africa by Elizabeth Greyling (Senior Systems Librarian, eThekwini Municipal Library, Durban, South Africa) and Ronel Smith (Project Leader, Digital Doorway, Meraka Institute, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa)

I have also highlighted some papers to do with Web 2.0 here
Photos by Sheila Webber: Hyde Park, Sydney, Australia, June 2008

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