80/20 Rules
Eat until stomach is 80% full, leaving 20% for digestion
If you eat to capacity or beyond, you further yeast overgrowth and heavily burden your digestive system. Never over eat grains or starchy vegetables especially! Stick with one serving of grains such as quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat or millet and make the rest vegetables.
80% of your food is vegetables, 20% can be:
Animal protein
Grain such as amaranth, millet or quinoa
Starchy vegetables such as potato, corn or squash
80% vegetable soup and 20% quinoa
80% vegetables and 20% cream of buckwheat
80% greens and onions, 20% eggs (such as an omelet)
A green drink in the morning is also ideal, which is 100% alkalizing
Dr. Vaughn