My Top 10 Favorite Horror movie villains

  From the classic movie monsters like Frankenstein and Dracula, to the popular slasher villains like Michal Myers and Freddy Krueger, villains always stand out stronger when their in a horror films. So, for this October, I’ll be counting down my personal favorite horror movie villains. Now, in order to make this list, they have to be characters from Horror movies, so don’t expect Darth Vader or the Wicked Witch of the West. Lastly, I’m not going strictly for the scariest villains I’ve ever seen, these are just my person favorites.

10. Mrs. Voorhees from "Friday the 13th" (1980)

  When it comes to “Friday the 13th”, most people think of that big guy with the hockey mask, but for my money, the villain who steals the show is this small, unassuming, and psychologically ill mother. Let’s be honest, if you saw a big guy with a creepy mask covering his face, and weapon in his hand, you’d know it’s time to run for your life. With Mrs. Voorhees however, you’d never expect it until it’s too late. As the movie plays out, we never see who the killer is, and when it’s finally reviled to be this ordinary looking woman, it just makes the experience all the more effective. Plus, she definitely sends a cold chill down your spine when she starts talking to her desist son, as if he’s still alive, and telling her to do his dirty work. 

9. Norman Bates from "Psycho" (1960)

  Beyond it's famous shower scene, the best thing about this 1960 classic is easily the character study of our lead antagonist Norman Bates. Without spoiling too much, this is a character that always keeps you guessing, as you can never tell if he’s an innocent victim or an ingenious mastermind. Is there a good man deep inside or is he just a time bomb waiting to go off? All this mystery surrounding the character just builds and builds to a nail-biting climax. I dare not spoil the ending, so I’ll just say that just about every movie with a twist ending owes something to this film, and to Anthony Perkins intense performance as Norman Bates.  

8. Imhotep from "The Mummy" (1999)

   I know most people prefer the classic Mummy from 1932 played by Boris Karloff, however, I’ve been watching the 1999 version ever sense I was in first grade, and it’s always been a favorite of mine. This Mummy played by Arnold Vosloo may not have the same commanding screen presence that Karloff had, but he’s still very good in the role, far more memorable, and I’ve come to regard him as a classic modern day villain in his own right. I especially love this guy’s concept of regenerating, as he begins as a decayed corps, then slowly becomes more and more human after killing a select group of victims, one by one. Usually, the villain gets more and more monstrous as the film plays out, but here it’s in reverse. It’s a great concept that I felt Karloff’s Mummy lacked, and this Mummy’s plans for getting reunited with his long lost bride are far more thrilling then what the Imhotep of the 1932 classic did. If you prefer Boris Karloff’s Mummy, that’s fine, I like that Mummy a lot too ... I just prefer this modern day Mummy instead.

7. Vincent Price as Professor Henry Jarrod from "House of Wax" (1953)

  Have you ever been to a wax museum, and found yourself so impressed by the displays that you could almost swear they’re real people? Well, after a string of murders, a young woman soon discovers that the pore victims are being put on display in the form of colorful wax characters in a wax museum. Yes, that’s the plot to the 1953 movie “House of Wax”. I can sum up what makes this movie, and more specifically it's lead villain great with just one name ... Vincent Price! He’s rightfully been regarded as the great prince of horror movie cinema, and this is the movie that really launched his carrier. He has such a chilling yet commanding presence, and I just can’t take my eyes off the guy. Despite being a remake of another movie from the 1930’s titled “Mystery of the Wax Museum”, this is one case in which the remake is largely superior, far more memorable, and of course is boasted by the presence of the one and only Vincent Price.    

6. Annie Wilkes from "Misery" (1990)

   In this spectacular Stephen King adapted horror flick, Annie Wilkes rescues her favorite author in the world from a car accident. Her obsession of him however quickly turns this into a hostage situation, as she refuses to let him leave her house, and dose every cruel thing you could do to keep him their indefinitely. She straps him to a bed, breaks his legs, shoots down police officers investigating the aria, and all while claiming that she loves him more than life itself. Plus, Kathy Bates is downright chilling in the part, winning her the Academy Award for best actress in a leading role. What really makes her so scary is her constant changing mood ... at one point she can seem like the kindest lady on the planet, then before you know it, she’s the most unstable and threatening person that you’d never want to be left alone with. That’s the formula that makes this character so captivating, as she keeps you on the edge of your seat with every scene.  

5. Pennywise from "Stephen king's It" (1990)

  Lots of people find clowns scary, but Pennywise is more than just a creepy clown with razor sharp teeth, he’s a supernatural monster that can bring a child’s worst fears to life. Despite the frightening concept of a killer clown that stocks a group of kids, Pennywise is actually one of the funniest villains I've ever seen in a horror film. Actor Tim Curry is clearly having a blast in the role, and half the time I don’t even feel like I’m watching a character, it’s just Tim Curry having fun in a clown costume. That’s what makes this one of the best Horror villains ever, as he’s creepy, and he has magical powers that allow him to do all kinds of creative things. Best of all, he’s livened up by an enjoyably hammy performance from Tim Curry. 

4. Jack from "The Shining" (1980)

  If you thought Mrs. Voorhees was one scary and disturbed mother, she’s nothing compared to Jack, a screw-loose father that’s bent on killing off his own family. This character comes from the 1980 masterpiece “The Shining”, and what can possibly be more disturbing than a loving father that gradually loses his sanity. Throughout the whole movie, he’s a ticking time bomb, and the suspense is just riveting. However, the big reason this guy makes my list is actor Jack Nicolson in the role. He is so demented and crazy that you can’t take your eyes off of him, and no one else has as much psychotic energy as him.

3. Freddy Krueger from "The Nightmare on Elm street" series (1984-2003)

   Freddy Kruger is often bagged with other popular “slasher villains”, but there’s a lot more to this character then just a one-note killer in a mask killing random people. This guy has as a personal vendetta, combined with an ingenious concept of interring an individual’s dreams. In a dream, he can manipulate his surroundings and himself, which can lead to some awesome visuals. Rather than killing his victims right away, Freddy takes his time feeding on his victims fears, and he savers every second of it. Robert Englund’s charismatic performance in the role gives the character a darkly comedic personality, which results in a villain that’s wild, over the top, and when he’s not giving you nightmares, he’s playing for deliberate laughs. This is another perfect example of a villain who’s both freighting, yet funny at the same time. However, unlike the Pennywise clown, this isn’t just an actor having fun in a silly costume, this time all the silly antics complement the character, making him one of the most well-constructed, and entertaining villains in the horror genera.

2. Dracula from "Hammers Dracula" series (1958-1973)


   There have been some stellar interpretations of Count Dracula ranging from Bela Lugosi’s iconic performance in the 1931 “Dracula” classic, to Gary Oldman’s portrayal in the 1992 motion picture “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”. Either one of them is worth putting on my list, but if I had to choose just one favorite Dracula performance, it would have to be Christopher Lee’s portrayal of the count from “Hammer’s Dracula” series. He’s played Dracula in more movies than any other actor, and is so commanding in the role that he just can’t be toped. No-one else looks as awesome in that red Dracula cape, nor does anyone else have that same deep and imposing voice. Even though he’s not as iconic as Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee is faster, deadlier, and 100% bad ass in the role, making him the definitive Dracula, and a perfect fit for my list.

Before I reveal my #1 favorite, here are some quick honorable mentions ...

The Headless Horseman from "Sleepy Hollow" (1999) 

Diana from "Lights Out" (2016)

Mr. Vickers from "Creepshow" (1982) 

Bela Lugosi's Dracula from "Dracula" (1931) 

The Clown Doll from "Poltergeist" (1982) 

1. The Invisible Man from "The Invisible Man" (1933)

  Naturally my favorite horror movie villain of all time is one of Universals classic golden age monsters, but it’s not Frankenstein, Dracula or The Wolf Man making the number one spot, instead it’s The Invisible Man. This is a villain that goes beyond your stereotypical horror movie bad guy, in fact, he feels more like someone that belongs in a Shakespeare play, and the performance is just as operatic. Of all the talented actors who’ve brought these classic monsters to life, no one excites me as much as Claude Rains in this role. Not only is his voice chillingly sinister, but his personality is outstanding, as he perfectly balances the line between being intimidating, sympathetic, ruthless, heartless, and hilarious. He also has one of the most spectacular evil laughs I ever heard. You can never tell what this guys going to do next, sometimes he’ll flip out and let lose his all his anger, then he’ll do something sadistically funny, or more often than not, he’ll be delivering an ominous monologue that’ll send chills down your spine. For his charismatic performance, chilling voice, and dominating screen presence, the Invisible Man still stands as my favorite horror movie villain of all time.   

Thanks for reading my countdown ... and be sure to treat yourself to one good scare this October!

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