Another Attempt at Kherson:

 Following two days of ineffective artillery bombardment, the Reds moved into the eastern suburbs and began pushing towards the Station. Meanwhile they launched another wave of men from the north as well.

While the Red Artillery failed to inflict casualties, the French Armored Train (offboard) and MMG to the right of Station, succeeded in dropping a total of four from one unit although it passed its morale check... 

At the end of the first turn, a Bolshevik unit appeared on the Greek's flank, from the eastern suburbs. Being a low-trained unit, they can't move and fire, so they had to wait for the Greek response. It was quick and deadly, as half of the unit was mowed down by the Greeks in the house on left along with the Evzoni in the cemetery. They also failed their morale, so they could not advance until they recovered (if they got the chance). The only possible good news was the Evzoni rolled for low ammo! Another such roll (x2 1s vs x1 6) and they would be out of ammunition!
Turn Two on the Red's right flank saw the unit take more losses from French Artillery and MMG fire, and losing their morale, are suppressed now as well. Two additional Red units passed them by to their left...
At the Station, enthusiastic Red Guards pushed quickly forward, but like their compatriots further to the left, they can't move and shoot. The Greeks along the RR tracks punished them as well, with half the unit going down. They too, came up short on their morale roll and they are suppressed! At least the Red Artillery finally found the range and destroyed a French MMG (upper left) and two Greeks dug in along tracks. (to the right of MMG)
The remaining half of the Red troops in the eastern suburb chose to fire at the Greeks inside the building to the left, but they missed everything! The Greek return fire was nearly as deadly as the first, as only the unit officer survived. Miraculously he passed his morale and didn't have to retreat. Unfortunately for the Greeks in the house, they too rolled for low ammo!
At the start of the next turn, French Artillery downed another Red, while their MMG took two more! Surprisingly, the 'Bolshies' passed their morale check...for now.
The Greeks started taking casualties in the house facing the eastern suburbs...
Bolshevik Artillery finally scored as they destroyed a French MMG along with two Greeks at the Station House. The Greeks failed their morale and so are suppressed (yellow cap)...
In turn Four, the Bolshevik unit that passed their morale on the right, failed this time. Losing more men plus both their commander AND the Commissar, virtually guaranteed that result...
Luck finally caught up with the Red Guard unit as well when suffering more casualties they became suppressed...
Back at the House, the Greeks moved more men to be able to bring fire on the Reds in the eastern suburb. Fortunately for them, no attacks took place this turn (Reds were pulling back and rearming)...
Turn Five saw the routing of the Red unit on the far right. An exchange of fire at the Station saw a Frenchman go down, but more numerous were the Red's losses. This unit went low on ammo (red cap) and failed morale check forcing it to retreat next activation (two yellow caps)...
The Greeks succeeded in breaking the Red Guard (literally one man, the NCO!), but they suffered two casualties as well...
The Greeks holding the House dropped two Reds, but seeing that they will be outflanked may cause them to retire or counterattack next turn...
On the next Turn, the Bolshevik attack on their right is in complete retreat, one unit with one man left...
The attack in the center is not much better (one lone Red Guard fleeing, while the men facing the Station House are suppressed. Support is moving up (lower left) but better yet for the Reds, The Greek Unit in front of the cemetery has run out of ammo! (two rep caps)...
In the eastern suburbs, while one Red unit is suppressed, another is coming up in support. The Greeks who retired out of the house, have sent word to the French commander in the Station House; help is needed!
Turn 9 saw the Whites miss with their artillery, but the Reds brought down one Frenchman (center of Station House). The Greek unit which had run out of ammo, decided to fall back (top left center)...
Over at the eastern suburbs, the Greeks charged into melee, and proceeded to lose in a 2-1 advantage fight! Fortunately for them they passed their morale check. Meanwhile a 'Bolshie' unit (bottom right) which had lost men to the Evzoni, gambled that they would get the initiative before the Greeks next turn, by charging into the open towards those Evzoni...
Turn 10 saw the Reds shoot down one of the retreating Greeks, while the Greeks in the Station House brought down one of theirs. And both passed their morale...
Evzoni on left after shooting down some Reds, go out of ammo!
The gamble payed off as the Boshevik got the initiative and blasted down three Evzoni who finally failed a morale check! Before they ran out of ammunition, the Greeks did get two Reds in revenge. Not good for the Allies however...
The lone White unit with the Allies, failed its morale (very shaky at best) and so failed to move forward ( seen at top). The last French MMG redeployed next to the Russians while the melee between the Greeks and Russians (at bottom) continued...
This time, the Greeks did very well. After defending themselves with no losses (and getting two Reds!) against the counterattacking Reds this turn, they succeeded as all four Greeks defeated their enemies, which broke the Reds morale to boot! Great time for that to happen as it appears the Allies will continue to fall back in this sector...
Turn 11 saw the Reds inflict two more casualties of the retiring Greeks, including the units officer, which helped caused them to fail their morale...
The unit of Whites recovered their morale, while the French MMG got one casualty near the Church (before a Greek unit retired into their line of site), but it was the unit's officer! May help the Evzoni withdraw from the cemetery (lower right)...
Turn 12. This could be it. Can the Allies make their move successfully to Kherson's riverfront and possible evacuation? A Bolshevik unit charged into the cemetery, only to be greeted by fire from the Greeks still holding part of the Station House. Three Reds go down, and they become suppressed. Most of the Reds cannot pursue the Allies so hope grows...
While the White unit continues to advance (a great surprise), The Greek Howitzer places a well-aimed shot that takes out two Reds...and they become suppressed! The French MMG downs two Reds including the unit's LMG! No Bolshevik unit can advance. All three Greek units retire, although the poor Evzoni only roll a move of 3"! Guess they don't like retreating...
With the closest Bolshevik units all suppressed, the Allies successfully retired towards Kherson's waterfront and evacuation. It was quite the fight.

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