Mcqs on Pinus

1)  “Chilgoza” a popular dry fruit is a production of
Ans- Pinus gerardiana

2)Mesophyll tissue of Pinus needle is composed of
Ans- Spongy parenchyma

3)Winged seeds are present in
Ans- Pinus

4) Pollination of pollen grains of Pinus takes place at...... stage
Ans- 4 celled stage

5)Meroblastic kind of embryo development occurs in
Ans- Pinus

6)In Pinus needle vascular bundles are
Ans- collateral and open

7)The male cone of pinus is modified into.......
Ans- Dwarf shoot

8) Transfusion tissue, a modified vascular tissue is present in the leaves of.......
Ans- Pinus

9)  Seeds of Pinus shows 3 generation as.......
Ans- Parent sporophyte, Gametophyet and future sporophyte

10)In Pinus male gametes are produced in the pollen tube by the division of ............. cell
Ans- Body cell

11) Pinus is .......... plant
Ans- Monoecious

12) The seed of Pinus is .......
Ans- Adaxial and endospermic

13) In Pinus male and female reproductive organs occurs at..........
Ans- On different branches of same plant

14)  Pinus wood consists of entirely......
Ans- Trachieds

15) How many structure of pinus are haploid........
Ans- 3

16) In Pinus seed there are............. Cotyledons
Ans- Many

17) Male prothallus of Pinus having..........
Ans- 2 Prothallial cells

18) ............ is not belong to sporophytic generation
Ans- Endosperm

19) In embryo of pinus rosette cell lie
Ans-  Above suspensor cell

20) Resins and terpens obtain from
Ans- Pinus

21)Catapyllus is.........
Ans- Scaly leaves of pinus

22)Male gametophyte is found to be........
Ans- 4 celled

23) Which of the following is best explanation of excurrent/pyramidal shape of Pinus.........
Ans- Adaptation for wind pollination

24) Pinus produces cone
Ans- Naked seeds

25) The secondary wood in Pinus characterised by
Ans- Presence of resin ducts

26) Which of the alternatives represent the gametophyetic phase in Pinus.........
Ans- Micro and Megaspores

27)Needle of Pinus produces meristem at.........
Ans- Basal portion

28)The gametophyets of Pinus are protected from dessication by living in 
Ans- Moist tissue of sporophyte in cone

29) Edible part of pinus is .........
Ans- Endosperm

30) The Megasporophyll of Pinus consist of...........
Ans- Both bract and ovuliferous scales

31) The foliage/ needle leaves are arise from.........
Ans- Branches of limited growth

32) Endosperm in Pinus formed..........
Ans- Before fertilization

33) Integument of Pinus ovule is......
Ans- Unitegmic

32) Pinus shows............. polyembryony
Ans- Simple and cleavage polyembryony

32) Pinus seeds shows ........ germination
Ans- Epigeal

33) The part of ovule in the Pinus which has megaspore mother cells dividing to form haploid megaspore is
Ans- Nucellus

35) Which of the tissue is present in the leaves of pinus and serve to conduct water and food
Ans- Transfusion tissue

36) Annual rings are well seen in.....
Ans- Pinus wood

36) The microsprophylls of pinus has......
Ans- 2 microsprorangia

37)Time lapse between fertilization and seed formation in Pinus is.......
Ans- 1 year

38)The wood of Pinus is .........
Ans- Pycnoxylic and monoxylic

39)............ pollengrain is characteristic features of pinus
Ans- Winged pollengrain

40)Plant of Pinus is........ tree
Ans- Evergreen tree

41).......... type of fertilization takes place in Pinus
Ans- siphonogamous fertilization

42)In India ........ species of Pinus have been reported

 43)Pinus plant is ........ shape
Ans- Pyramidal

44).........species of Pinus commonly known as "Blue pine"
Ans- Pinus wallichiana

45) Pinus Why Pinus seedling do not grow on places after fire. This is because the soil becomes
Ans- Devoid of fungi

46) Which type of resin canal are found in cortex and secondary xylem of the stem of Pinus 
Ans-Schizogenous cavities

47) Sclerenchymatous hypodermis in Pinus needle helps in
Ans-Mechanical support

48) Foliar spur of Pinus sylvestris is called 
Ans- Unifoliar

49) Female cone of Pinus is considered a modified
Ans- Dwarf shoot

50) The ovuliferous scale of Pinus is part of 
Ans- Megasporophyll

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