Mobile Suit Ensemble EX 28 : ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam

Collecting Ensemble figures can be a bi painful at times. Some figures are just hopeless to come by. The Justice Gundam figure was released over a year ago in June 2021 and I have been seeing this sucker getting swiped from underneath my hand several times on the secondary market. The price has skyrocketed too. It started out at Bandai at ¥4180 and by now you can see them going for double that. Quite spicy considering this is an average size figure with an accessory suite that while great isn't THAT impressive. Still, finally I have a unit to cherish as my own (and I hope to eventually catch a break also with the Virtue Gundam figure...).

The box is similar in style to the previously released Freedom Gundam figure. The two Ensemble figures actually have a lot of shared anatomy between them as well.

The Justice itself is a basic Ensemble figure built with the same anatomical design first pioneered by the Freedom, including the special hip-joint that has the connecting peg in the torso section. The remainder of the components in this box are split between the Fatum-00 high mobility flight pack (which has a lot of small components) as well as the usual oversized action base gunk we tend to see in the EX packs. The typical assembly instruction is just as messy as they always are some of the 3D-render views can be quite hard to make out but usually you have a left and a right component so you can mirror the work on the one part that is easier to see. Seriously, model kit assembly instructions have been a thing for half a century at this point; I don't see why these have to be so muddled.

Here is basic Justice Gundam figure. It has a really decorative pink colour scheme that sits really well with me because I just love figures with unique colour schemes (I am pretending that it does not recycle the Aegis' scheme here...). The beam rifle and shield are nicely painted and especially the rifle has a tremendous amount of effort put into it, similar to the rifles used by the Freedom. I always love when Bandai go the extra mile to paint up the multi-colour rifles, it is such an easy way to make the figure look all the better.

Also included are a common beam saber and a dual saber, also similar to those used by the Freedom, but again they are clear colour which defies all reason and logic for an EX figure. From an engineering point of view the small feet really like to come off the ball joints as soon as you begin to posing the figure which is very annoying. The two Beam Boomerang weapons attached to the shoulders are also way larger than I think they need to be but they are quite prominent on the actual design too so I'll give it a pass.

Next we attach the Fatum-00 flight pack in its stowed configuration. The flight pack comes with a swiveling multi-part attachment assembly that goes into the Gundam's torso. This component was giving me a bit of grief but with repeated use the joint loosened a bit (perhaps it will become too loose if you play around with it a lot...). The figure can support the weight of the pack but you'll need to find a stable pose for it not to topple over. A special stand is included that slots in underneath the flight pack but I had such a hassle getting it to where it was supposed to be that I gave up and just balanced the figure without it. The Converge (and Assault Kingdom) method of using a peg under the figure's foot and put it on a platform is generally a more stylish option I think.

Each Beam Boomerang weapon has a gimmick where it can be removed and attached to a transparent effect part which in turn attaches to a small pedestal (in this comparison view I have only used one of the two pedestals). As usual with Ensemble you can't do anything interesting with these as the bases have no articulation and so the weapons just sit flat at hip-level, not exactly how you would want to pose a dramatic throw against an opponent. Pointless guff, if you ask me.

Next we have the dreadful action base. Or rather base as there is no action to it at all. Just like the Freedom got the top section of the Archangel's bridge as its base (which at least made a little bit of thematic sense as this is where it first spread its wings in the anime) the Justice gets the top segment of the Eternal's bridge and fin. A secondary support clips onto the fin to allow for the Fatum-00 flight unit to be displayed in its deployed mode. Here the Justice balances very loosely on top of the base because no way am I attaching it firmly and risking the peg breaking again. I learnt my lesson well with the Raider Gundam figure... As usual the Ensemble EX bases are overly complicated and accomplish little.

I was surprised that the figure can actually carry the deployed flight pack (yes I didn't extend the wings to the sides in these images) unaided but you won't be getting any interesting poses out of it this way. Most of the Fatum-00 unit is made of hard plastic by the way so the wings and fins all retain their crisp shape.

Personally I like the atmospheric flight mode where the Justice will can be seen casually surfing the glider like a surfboard, reminiscent of how some of the other Z.A.F.T. mobile suits also use sub-flight systems in atmosphere. We actually get a connecting piece that attaches to the figure's crotch and onto the flight pack to keep the figure securely in place but I caution against using these since they have a tendency to break very easily. As you can see the figure has no trouble standing on top of the fatum-00 anyway. Here I have built a little stand using Assault Kingdom figure bases to create a more interesting look, because you get nothing of the sort in this box which is a curious omission.

The Justice Gundam figure is also compatible with the Ensemble METEOR unit (EX 06B). I only have one of those and my Freedom Gundam figure is carefully attached to it and there is no way I feel like beginning to fiddle with that. Here you can see the concept at work based on the instruction sheet. The Fatum-00 pack also attaches to the METEOR Unit which looks quite cool but I doubt I will be purchasing a second unit. For one, they have become expensive and rare, and I think the Justice looks better on its own anyway.

My Archangel Trio is finally complete! Will we ever see a Perfect Strike Option Parts Set in the EX line? I'd imagine a reissue of the Strike with full weapons would sell quite well. Perhaps now that Gframe has shown the way with its own Perfect Strike there is a chance Bandai may want to recycle the design work also in Ensemble?

Athrun ruins the day for the Earth Federation Invasion Task Force - at least if you have a custom stand to spice things up a bit. I wonder if Bandai will ever construct a new backwards compatible figure base system so that we can finally begin to build some really cool Ensemble dioramas...


In summary, yet another competent Ensemble EX figure with a good range of features and hampered by the same old unimaginative action bases. Price is starting to turn ugly on this thing and it is rarely seen on the secondary market so if you didn't get yours yet finding one might be a bit painful. Still, one of the better Ensemble EX figures out there in my opinion.

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