Open Access Journal: Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма - Materials in Archaeology and History of Ancient and Medieval Crimea

 [First posted in AWOL 13 May 2015, updated 27 June 2019]

Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма - Materials in Archaeology and History of Ancient and Medieval Crimea
ISSN: 2219-8857
Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма (сокращенное название - МАИАСК- международный полиязычный рецензируемый научный журнал, посвященный актуальным проблемам археологии, истории, нумизматики, сфрагистики и эпиграфики Причерноморья, а также сопредельных территорий. 
МАИАСК издается МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова (Россия, г. Москва), ТюмГУ (Россия, г. Тюмень) и ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского (Россия, г. Нижний Новогород) с 2008 года. E-ISSN 2219-8857
Журнал выходит ежегодно. В нем публикуются оригинальные статьи на русском и на английском языках. Все публикации рецензируются и сопровождаются резюме на русском и английском языках. 
22.06.2019 г. редколлегией принято решение о переименовании журнала в Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Причерноморья (сокращенное название - МАИАСП). Номер журнала с новым названием выйдет в 2020 г.

Proceedings in Archaeology and History of Ancient and Medieval Crimea is an international multilingual peer-reviewed academic journal covering topical issues of archaeology,  history, numismatics, sigillography and epigraphy of Black Sea Region and as well as adjacent territories.  
Published by the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), Tyumen State University (Tyumen, Russia) and Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (Nizhni Novgorod, Russia) since 2008. Its ISSN 2219-8857.
Proceedings in Archaeology and History of Ancient and Medieval Crimea is annual publication. The journal publishes original articles in Russian and English. All papers are supplemented by abstracts in English and Russian languages.
The Editorial Board made a decision on June 22, 2019 to rename the journal as Proceedings in Archaeology and History of Ancient and Medieval Black Sea Region. The issue of the journal with a new name will be released in 2020.
Volumes and numbers
2018. No. 10
 Full Number
 J.N. Matviyishyna (Kiev, Ukraine), S.D. Lysenko (Kiev, Ukraine), A.G. Parhomenko (Chernihiv, Ukraine). Paleopedological Studies of the Bronze Barrows Age Near Bukovna Village in Subcarpathia
 S.N. Razumov (Tiraspol, Moldova), V.B. Pankowski (Kiev, Ukraine). The Middle Bronze Age Catacomb Grave and the Dice Set from the Lower Dniester Region
 S.A. Yatsenko (Moscow, Russia). Notes on Planning of Ust’-Al’ma Necropolises in the Crimean Late Scythia
 Mikhail Treister (Berlin, Germany). Parthian and Early Sasanian “Imports” in the Burials of the Nomads of Eastern Europe (2nd Century BCE — 3rd Century CE)
 Michel Kazanski (Paris, France). Justinian I and the antiquities of the Italian Ostrogoths in the Crimea
 S.V. Ushakov (Simferopol, Crimea). The Study of Quarter XCVII in the North-East Area of Chersonesos in 2012—2015, the Main Results
Military History and Archaeology
 O.V. Vus (Lvov, Ukraine). Death of Decii. Defeat of the Roman Army Near Arbitus as the Culmination of the Scythian War of 250—251
 G.V. Baranov (Moscow, Russia). A Pommel of a mace with a bill-shaped protrusion from the Vinnytsia region
Christian Archaeology and Church History 
 A.A. Romensky (Sevastopol, Crimea). Miracles of the Bishops of Chersonesos in the Context of Early Christian Hagiographical Tradition
 V.V. Stepkin (Pavlovsk, Russia). Cave Digging Near the Malaya Znamenka Village of Taurida Governorate on 1870s 
 E.A. Molev (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia). On the Two Names of the Capital of Bosporus
 S.A. Ermolin (Moscow, Russia), N.N. Bolgov (Belgorod, Russia). Study of the Ethno-confessional History of the Late Antique Bosporus
 A.G. Emanov (Tyumen, Russia). “Caffa’s logos” of Schiltberger

 Apolon Tabuashvili (Tbilisi, Georgia). The Issue of Georgian Captives in the Crimea in the 18th Century
 D.A. Prokhorov (Simferopol, Russia). Crimean Karaims and the Development of the Tobacco Industry in the Russian Empire from the Middle of the Nineteenth to the Early of the Twentieth Century
 I.S. Prokopov (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria). “Bad-style” Coins or Imitation?
 M.M. Choref (Nizhnevartovsk, Russia). Nulla salus bello est, or Chersonesus under Mithridates VI Eupator Dionysius: by Numismatic Data
 S.S. Filipova (Kyustendil, Bulgaria). Coins from Archeological Researches of Ancient Pautalia (Today Kyustendil)
 I.R. Ahmedov (Saint Petersburg, Russia), A.P. Gavrilov (Shilovo, Russia), M.M. Choref (NizhnevartovskRussia). Treasure of Roman Coins of the First — Second Centuries from the Middle Oka River Basin
Historical Philology
 Basil Lourié (Perm, Russia). Syrian and Armenian Christianity in Northern Macedonia from the Middle of the Eighth to the Middle of the Ninth Century
 V.P. Yailenko (Moscow, Russia). Historiography and Methods of Study of Ancient Greek Graffiti
МАИАСК-1/2008    МАИАСК-2/2010    МАИАСК-3/2011   
МАИАСК-4/2012    МАИАСК-5/2013    МАИАСК-6/2014
МАИАСК-7/2015    МАИАСК-8/2016    

Supplement 1     Supplement 2    Supplement 3    

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