Space Tour Experience

Imagine that you get a chance to be a space tourist. Narrate your experience of being in the space and your feeling on returning to the earth.

This is the year 2034. In the starting of this decade, humans became fully capable in the field of space tourism. Now any healthy being can take a trip to space for fun; in little costlier price than an aeroplane ticket. 

    In the last week of April, when the sky is mostly clear; I have decided to take my first space trip with my two other best friends. We have booked our ticket before a month. We were advised to take good care of our health.

    After this a year long felt wait has come to at end. In the back of our mind we are thinking like going to some other world; where all the nature laws are totally different from the earth surface. I am not really getting that why some of my family members & relatives dosen't want me to go up there; all of them so anxious about it. In the meanwhile, how much I am excited that I really wanted to describe. But, I would say now I am feeling how it felt like when other people say that they cannot describe their happiness in words.

    At last the time has come; & our space shuttle is standing right infront of us. I never imagined this could be that much huge in size; looks like a skyscraper. Now we are going at the top deck with an external elevator. In the main deck, the seats have too many seat belts. This heavy space suit with a bubble like helmet is actually so annoying.

    Here, the countdown begins - "T -10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, aand we have a lift-off". My heart just skipped some of its beats. Now I am feeling  all the necessities of those seatbelts, helmet, 7 this tight earplug, etc.. I never heard this amount of loud noise in my life; and this vibrations & shakiness I can feel even in all of bone joints.


 After few minutes, captain has announced that now we can unplug our seatbelt. The weightlessness that we feel in a lift is nothing in comparison to this. Its like I am just stuck in the middle of the air,no hand or leg movement is helpful here. We have to push our body in the opposite direction to where we want to move.

    Suddenly, my eyes get some glimpse from the window - a vast horizon curve of our one & only beautiful Earth. by God swear, for some moment I was trying to close my eyes or blink for few times, but NO; my eyes didn't want to. I wish every human being get a chance to see there lovely Earth's this holy view. I have never seen so many colours in just one scene, I just took a pause. 'Mind blowing' is the real description for it.

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