Giuseppe Passeri Aurora in her Chariot before 1714 drawing British Museum |
Giuseppe Passeri Apollo in the Heavens ca. 1675-1700 drawing Teylers Museum, Haarlem |
Giuseppe Passeri Cardinal Albani is offered the Tiara 1700 drawing Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf |
Giuseppe Passeri Portrait-sketch of a Young Man ca. 1703-1713 drawing Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam |
"Giuseppe Passeri was born in Rome in 1654, a nephew of the painter and author Giovanni Battista Passeri, who was his first master. He then entered the studio of Carlo Maratti, who was especially fond and supportive of the precocious youth. Beginning in the mid-1670s he emerged as a painter of frescoes and altarpieces in Rome and received numerous commissions. He also attained a great reputation among the Roman aristocracy as a portraitist; his attractive social bearing and his gift for witty and stimulating conversation may have contributed a good deal to his success. . . . Among Maratti's students Passeri was perhaps the least inclined toward monumental representation. His easel paintings and frescoes are distinguished, in a decorative sense, by a rather light and buoyant quality, without being otherwise noteworthy in their originality of concept or formal arrangement. In his use of color he is among the best painters of the entire school at this time. In his manner of applying paint there is often a loose, almost quivering quality that is strikingly different from the generally slick finish of other artists of the Maratti school. This is most evident in his drawings, which are powerfully shaped with a brush before a dark ground and which are very interesting in their free and inventive handling. Similar qualities are to be found in his preparatory sketches for paintings."
– Hermann Voss, from Baroque Painting in Rome (1925), revised and translated by Thomas Pelzel (San Francisco: Alan Wofsy, 1997)
Giuseppe Passeri Birth of the Virgin ca. 1680 drawing British Museum |
Giuseppe Passeri Birth of the Virgin ca. 1680 oil on canvas Milwaukee Art Museum |
Giuseppe Passeri Christ driving the Money-Changers from the Temple ca. 1710 drawing Royal Collection, Great Britain |
Giuseppe Passeri Christ driving the Money-Changers from the Temple ca. 1712-14 oil on canvas Walters Art Museum, Baltimore |
Giuseppe Passeri Assumption of the Virgin before 1714 drawing British Museum |
Giuseppe Passeri Assumption of the Virgin before 1714 drawing Royal Collection, Great Britain |
after Giuseppe Passeri Assumption of the Virgin ca. 1729-42 etching and chiaroscuro woodcut by Nicolas Le Sueur and Paul Ponce Antoine Robert Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (Achenbach Foundation) |
Giuseppe Passeri St Peter freed from Prison by an Angel before 1714 drawing Morgan Library, New York |
Giuseppe Passeri St Joseph as Foster-Father of Christ before 1714 drawing Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam |
Giuseppe Passeri Angel appearing to Sleeping Figure before 1714 drawing British Museum |