Enjoy the Eclipse ☀️🌑😎 and Eclipse 2024
AoSHQ: Morning Report 04.08.24
Instapundit: The Pipeline: Total eclipse of the brain
Mark Steyn: Eclipsapalooza!
Defending The Wood Perilous: Eclipse The Sun!
During a solar eclipse, the gaps between leaves on trees act as multiple pinhole cameras,
— Science girl (@gunsnrosesgirl3) April 8, 2024
and each gap projects its own crescent-shaped image of the eclipsed sun onto the ground.
The Right Way: Saturday Link-O-Rama
Wired Right: A Beautiful End to the Day
Woodsterman : Memorial Day and Rule 5
Animal Magnetism: Remember and Gingermaggedon
Pirate's Cove : If all you see... and Sorta Blogless Pinup
Rush Limbaugh: Never Let the World Forget What Happened on D-Day
EBL: Mark Steyn finally faces off with Michael Mann in Court 🏒😬, Bob Belvedere, RIP 😢, W. John Hoge, RIP 😢, and Die Hard is a Christmas Movie 🎅🎄🔥
Dispatches from the Camp of the Saints (RIP): House of Special Purpose 102, Rush Limbaugh, RIP, Happy 105th, and Mark Steyn: Welcome to the Jungle Part 666
Mark Steyn: Michael Mann, Loser, Waterloo, Remembering Rush, The Indispensable Man, Remembering Rush, Shaidle Among The Stars, and Kathy's World
A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and streaming through the Wuhan Coronacalypse:
Wired Right
Proof Positive
By Other Means
The Last Tradition
The Classic Liberal
Old Retired Petty Officer
The Woodpile Report (RIP)