I feel guilty for writing about my gardening activities while the eastern portion of the country is still in the grip of winter. If you are one of those people who would rather I just go away, it's okay. I totally understand. It's really not very nice of me to flaunt my good fortune so go ahead and ignore this post, scroll down and leave your weather-related rant. I don't blame you.
Honestly, I didn't doctor this photo! The new growth on this Hebe is bright pink! |
Who needs flowers? |
I love the brisk new growth on this Acanthus mollis. It's a good thing it's sending up new leaves because the old ones look horrid. |
And tiny new growth on this hardy fuchsia. |
My Grevillea has buds all over it! I'm so excited. |
A few weeks ago, my daughter was out walking the neighbor's dog. She casually glanced over into the forested area just off the road and saw two discarded, vintage chicken feeders. When she got home, she asked me if wanted them. Hells yeah! So we drove the car to where they were located and popped them into the trunk. Today I got the second one planted and hung.
This one is housing sedums, mostly 'Angelina'. |
The second one is in a bit more shade and is home to native strawberries or "ferry berries." |
And, my son found me a third vintage livestock trough for us to repurpose as a home for veggies. This one cost a whopping eight bucks! |
And on a quick trip to the thrift store, I found these sweet stepping stones. |
Finally, the other day while looking for bare root strawberries at the nursery, look what jumped into my cart! Have any of you ever grow this and if so, do you have any suggestions? My plan is to put it in a pot with a trellis. |
Okay, enough for now. I hope you're doing well and anticipating the coming spring.