Safari gets corny

This last week of February is, has been and, perhaps, will forever more, be Cornflakes Week in OpenSim. It's a celebration that transcends the rivalries of individual grids, that doesn't require any special outfit or costume, loosely based on the memory of Cornflakes Woodcock's zany, gaudy art, but not limited by his freebies. Anyone can do anything, as Virtual Christine pointed out, no-one's in charge! The week long celebration was publicized in facebook and in G+ and for a first year, seems to have been a modest success. It owes nothing to real life or second life traditions, it is wholly ours, and perhaps as time goes by it will be embraced by all those who love silliness and the mad variety and independence of OpenSim.
Franzi, Nara, Wizard, Mal and Apmel Fransson await the arrival of the latecomers
We celebrated with a few stops this week, picking up birdy nam nam shoulder pets, or
cornflakes hats. Delenn showed up with her OSGird avie!! WOOT! How long since we had one of those on hgsafari? Well, actually never, because this sim didn't exist until after OSGrid went offline.
Delenn Daines I logged into os grid with this avie and hypergridded to get here, but I notice i don't have a My Suitcase folder in my inventory
Franziska Bossi: i lost allot of things
Lucy Afarensis: Lost my underwear
Wizard Gynoid: i never had any underware to lose 
Zaphod welcomes the group
 OK There is a software/hardware joke in there somewhere, I leave you to find it for yourself.
Our first stop was not a cornflakey place at all, but a really wonderful art show by Sina Souza. It is hosted on Beeblebrox sim on Dorenas-world grid. Zaphod Enoch was there to meet us.
zaphod Enoch: Welcome to the exhibition of sina souze. she wants to excuse but she can't make it in time to talk about her pics. 
Apmel Fransson: what a shame..would have been nice... I never met her in open sim¨
zaphod Enoch: All works are done in secondlife and they are photos which are done in the world and not post processed, except the blue one in the corner which is a commissioned work and postprocessed with photoshop. 
Serene.Jewell These photos are magnificent. Did you say they have no post-processing on them, Zaphod?
Thirza Ember: this is such a nice show
Apmel Fransson: Nice is not a word I would use for Sina's work..but they are very good
zaphod Enoch: Each picture tells a little story about sinas life or her feelings.You can find sina's work on american fine arts in the web
Me and Art looking at ... art.
Art Blue: are they on sale or not as one I like much
zaphod Enoch: Best is to get in touch with sina on Facebook or SL. There she has another two exhibits going on at the moment.
Chip Angelvi breaks down and wears a cyber cornflakes hat, as Lucy and Wizard look on.
           Now, a show like this is too good really for a safari. In the sense that, it's good to get some group awareness of the works, but you really want some alone time in front of the canvases. The gallery is very cunningly built into the landscape of the sim, which is also home to the Hyperzette offices. Dorena's world is a small German grid, but boy, it is rock solid, and before long there were 18 of us looking at the art, nattering, putting on Cornflakes hats, and just generally making a lot of noise. 
           The images raise disquieting notions of entity and power, the deep shuddering inner sensations that can rise up when we peer at the interaction between avatar and owner, as worlds collide. You have another week or so to visit, the HG Address is, as always, at the end of this post.
Mal Burns
Mal Burns: nice sim
Wizard Gynoid: where is the "like" button?
Thirza Ember: just a great sim and this was a gorgeous show
Serene Jewell: Agree
Apmel Fransson: Sina is one of my favorite artists
zaphod Enoch: happy you like it
        From Beeblebrox, to Hubbub. we were invited to try to crash the sim on Craft grid.
Thanks to Billy Bradshaw, and to Licu Rau and Tao Quan for letting us come dance to Lady Gaga
Patti looking particularly corny, while Licu leaps like a virtual antelope. Where does he get the energy?
            Once again teleporting was suspiciously easy. I'm always worried when things work properly. But hey, there we were, all of us, on Craft, failing completely in our attempt to break Billy's record player. They were testing something, I don't really know what, except we managed not to crash anything even though there were avies from at least 6 different grids present.

            Before you knew it, we were off to the Cornflakes-Tribute sim on Metropolis grid. Without our NPC dance partners, much to Wizard's chagrin. The sim is owned by Wordfromthe Wise, who opened it up for Cornflakes Week, to give people a chance to see and to copy any og Corn's items they particularly like. Up until the return of OSGrid, Word's collection was one of the few still available for viewing and indeed it's probably the most complete of all. Cornflakes hats were handed out. 
 James AtLLOUD: booyah! now properly attired.
Mal Burns: i see white light
Wizard Gynoid: I never liked corn flakes unless it had lots of sugar and milk on it. To the point where they were soggy.
 PatriciaAnne Daviau: oh yuk lol
 Sunbeam Magic: then you must like the Soggy Bottom Boys lol
Wizard Gynoid: photo op on the sign post
James AtLLOUD: We had cornflakes bars (like rice crispy bars) in the midwest USA
Max Hill: joue nous une belle musique Aime
Aime Socrates: le perroquet va chanter
Max Hill: zy va
Wordfromthe Wise: nice having you all here .. i think cornflakes will watch us in heaven ...
Art Blue: yes I just spoke with him
Thirza Ember: wow there are so many small pieces I never noticed
Wordfromthe Wise: yes his style was so people have to move close on the items to see what he really meant, One example is this here, where that bird is watching the worms in the bus ..see worms in a can .. here where i stay .. zoom in ..
Serene Jewell: "Never make eye contact while eating a banana" Good advice.
PatriciaAnne Daviau: words to live by!
Dings Digital: I didn't know Cornflakes personally, but I have been here a lot, in OSGrid times. It always inspired me of seeing the funny side of being inworld. I guess this is often lost.
Dings rolls out the barrel while Aime plays an intermittently invisible violin
Wordfromthe Wise: i dont know if you all know the story of this region... Back in the days, Cornflakes and I where gòód friends on the osgrid. When i moved to Metropolis he wanted to move there as well and gave me his Sandbox Region to load it for him on my simulators in Metropolis. But before he started to build, he passed away. His Stepson contacted me via Facebook, and told me about his death. The only gòód thing about this is, that all his beautyful objects - and in this case - a whole Region full of Joy did not vanished when his creator left Earth and departed to (Builders) heaven
the lovely Wordfromthe Wise
James.AtLLOUD: OH, I did not know about Cornflakes - thank you for telling us.
Serene.Jewell: So glad you were able to save this, Word
Thirza Ember: next year for Cornflakes Week we'll have fancier costumes ...
Lucy Afarensis: Fun!

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