What A #KrisTD Aquino Presidency May Look Like

I remembered writing several articles on Kris Aquino and one of them is on her dying relevance. I believe that her dying relevance is beneficial to the Philippines. On the other hand, I decided to think of what if Kris herself will run for office. I even remembered writing on Filipinos should brace for the possibility of a Kris Aquino presidency. Now it's time to write a hypothetical scenario of what a Kris presidency may end up as.

More padrino politics that will be mixed with show business will be on the way

Noynoy Aquino was already guilty of padrino politics. You can see how Noynoy appointed mostly his friends and relatives to their position. Kris will do the same where she will appoint her friends and relatives for office. But it will not just be padrino politics but also show business or showbiz politics.

Who will Kris appoint? My hypothetical scenario is that she will appoint people like Cynthia Patay and Agot Isidro to important positions. She may make Cynthia the new Bureau of Customs chief and Agot as the new Department of Social Welfare and Development chief. She may also change the Commission on Human Rights for the worse with appointing a celebrity instead of a lawyer. It's already bad enough to have Cheato Gascon as the current CHR head. How worse can it get if you get an entertainer to head the CHR? Hmmm... would she make Korina Sanchez-Roxas the new CHR chief?

Can you imagine what it would be to have know-nothing celebrities run the important functions of the government? I can't expect Cynthia to do a good job as a BOC chief or Agot as the new DSWD chief. Chances are you may see Cynthia worsen the BOC performance which she will be easily bribed. That means there will be more than just illegal Chinese. Soon enough, the Philippines will be full of foreign criminals no thanks to the BOC. Come natural disasters and Agot will just be sleeping on the job. Agot may even do worse than Stinky Soliman. Oh don't expect Korina to be a good CHR either because she will choose to defend impunity over human rights.

Yellow censorship of the media

It would be something to let Kris be president because the Philippine media will be full of nonsense. This would mean passing new declaration of laws that will ask all citizens to support the garbage media. If the Marcos years were already guilty of manipulating the media then so is the Liberal Party. What's the use of badmouthing the Marcos years' censorship of media when the Liberal Party is also spreading their own version of fake news through the Dilawan Media?

She could start by reviving the junked law last 2013 which proposed that Filipinos should be banned from bringing home imported media. She would play the colonial mentality and nationalism card all she wants never mind she has Chinese ancestry from BOTH her parents. She would at first cry saying that the local artists are losing their jobs and cite many examples and exaggerate them. She could start by saying how Koreanovelas and the Kyoto Inferno film left many Filipino entertainers jobless and it's the only way. She would put that law into action then write a new law that would require foreigners to buy garbage Filipino made media when they come to the Philippines. Talk about a lack of give and take.

This would mean all TV and radio stations will make sure everything is about her. Kris TV will be shown from the Malacanang which will be all about the Kris Aquino presidency. It will make Kris look good to the public and saying anything bad about her can land you in jail. Writing a bad review on teleseryes may also land you in jail. You can expect that she may even make it a law that you must watch teleseryes or you are a traitor to your country. That means TV stations and radio stations will air nothing but the Yellow Propaganda that will make her and her cronies look good as well as stupid music made with mediocrity. She may even make it mandatory that everyone should support OPM and teleseryes or risk going to jail.

Not to mention, she could do a lot of persona non-gratas in the process for foreigners who will criticize her. Let's just say that certain foreigners came to the Philippines and complained about the lack of sanitation. She may have them arrested, deported and declared persona-non grata for simply giving constructive criticism on how to improve the country.

Destruction of projects made by the Marcoses all because they were made by the Marcoses

As much as I still believe the Marcoses do have something to answer for and the heirs must remit the wealth of their deceased patriarch but should we get rid of the good that the late dictator did? You can talk about the Cultural Center of the Philippines and the San Juanico Bridge or any Marcos-made infrastructure that the Philippines still enjoys today. The CCP and the San Juanico bridge is just the start.

She may start to order Ilocos to remove Bongbong Marcos' windmill project and Imee Marcos-Manotoc's solar plant project. She may even tell everyone the same nonsense that her brother Noynoy said. She may tell them that solar plants are useless if there's no sun and that wind power plants are useless without wind. She may even ignore the truth that these sites are specially selected and they store power for later use. She would have them destroyed and replace them with mediocre projects and the prices of electricity will increase as a result.

For any bills that Bongbong and/or Imee may have passed she will dismiss them whether they are useful or not. She would start by getting rid of whatever they may be only because they are made by the Marcoses. She may even go as far as to have all the Marcoses jailed for simply being a Marcos. She would demonize them for simply having blood relations to the deceased dictator all the while riding on a heroism that doesn't exist.

A ruined economy because of her bad economic policies

Not to mention she could devastate the economy one way or another. It's already bad enough that the Philippines is under the 60/40 law. She may even further raise the restrictions to new levels of nonsense. It may go from 60/40 to 99/1. She may only allow foreign investors to invest but they can own only 1% ownership. She would continue to spread the lie that only foreigners get rich so she could justify her stupid policies.

If foreign businesses (even if the branch were franchised by a Filipino) will downsize a certain business she may even consider shutting them down. Let's just say that a carenderia got downsized by Kentucky Fried Chicken. Even if it was a local Filipino businessman was the one who franchised the KFC outlet she may even require that person to give up his franchise. This may even create a new policy that incompetent businesses can get their protection from foreign owned businesses. At the rate this is going this may end the days when Filipinos can enjoy foreign restaurants because of a stupid lazy president. This would in turn deteriorate revenues from taxes.

She may also steal from the public funds for her own enjoyment. To do so she may even consider raising the 32% ceiling to an 80% maximum tax rate. Talk about overtaxing the people all the while the nation suffers from too little competition. She may overtax the people which in turn will encourage tax evasion. That means tax evaders may pay the BIR under the table which she could use to spoil both her sons Joshua Aquino Salvador and Bimby Aquino Yap. She may also use the public funds for her useless travels where she will be in foreign countries having vacations instead of bringing in badly needed investments.

This may end up with the Philippines becoming the Venezuela of Asia. That means more Filipinos may soon end up migrating to other countries as refugees. She may even go as far as to have a wall built around the Philippine archipelago so nobody could escape her dysfunctional kingdom. Talk about how much money will be wasted just building that wall.


Aren't you glad that the Aquinos are now losing their relevance?

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