Sem II - Paper II Important Questions

       Important questions for  Botany II semester
Short Answer type Questions:
General characters of Gymnosperms
Pinus:  1.Mycorrhiza 2. Transfusion Tissue 3.Needle – Xerophytic Characters 4.Male cone 5.Female cone 6.Ovuliferous scales 7. Bract Scales  8. Sunken Stomata
Gnetum:  1.Collar or cupule    2. Male cone 3.Female Cone 4. Pavement tissue
5. TetrasporicEmbryosac6. Polyembryony
1. Impressions 2. Moulds 3. Casts 4. Compressions 5. Petrifactions
5. Paleozoic era 6. Mesozoic era 7.Coenozoic era
Essay Questions:
1. Root Anatomy of Pinus
2. Primary stem anatomy of Pinus
3. Internal structure of Pinus leaf or Needle
4. Pinus Ovule Structure
5. Root anatomy of Gnetum
6. Internal Structure of Gnetum leaf
7. Primary Stem anatomy
8. Structure of Gnetum Ovule
9. What are fossils? Different types of fossils and significance of fossils
10. Geological time scale

    ( Taxonomy of Angiosperms)
Short answer questions
1.Types of classifications
2. Chemotaxonomy
3. Binomial nomenclature
5. Typification
6. Herbarium techniques
7. Economic importance of Rutaceae
8. Pollination in Fabaceae
9. Floral characters of Cucurbitaceae
10. Economic importance of Apiaceae
11. Pollination in Asclepiadaceae (clip mechanism )
12. Economic importance of Lamiaceae
13. Floral characters of Orchidaceae
14. Spikelet of Poaceae
Section – B
Essay questions
1. Compare the Bentham and Hookers system of classification with Englar & Prantls classification. Mention merits and demerits.
2. Write the salient features of  APG system of classification.
3. Write an account  on Numerical taxonomy.
4. Describe the floral characters and economic importance of Fabaceae.
5. Describe the floral characters and economic importance of Apiaceae.
6. Describe the floral characters, economic importance  and pollination mechanism of Asclepiadaceae.
7. Describe the floral characters, economic importance  and pollination mechanism of Lamiaceae.
8. Describe the floral characters, economic importance  and advanced characters  of Orchidaceae.
9. Describe the taxonomic features and economic importance of Poaceae.
10. Describe the floral characters, economic importance  and pollination mechanism of Asclepiadaceae.

Short Answer type Question
1. Biotic and Abiotic factors 2. Niche 3. Autecology and Synecology  4. Climax or Climax community  5. Autogenic and allogenic succession  6. Food Chain 7. Food Web 8. Trophic levels
Essay Questions
1. Write on abiotic components of Environment.
2. What is ecologic succession? Explant Xerosere or Hydrosere
3. Explain the Process of Succession
4. What is ecosystem. Explain the energy flow through a pond ecosystem you have studied.
5. Write a brief essay on Ecological pyramid
6. Define Ecological Adaptations? Explain the adaptations of Hydrophytes 
7. or Xerophytes 
8. or Mangroves .

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