STDs (NEET ONE LINERS Till Dec 2019)

STDs (NEET ONE LINERS Till Dec 2019)

1.    Tenderness is uncommon in Donovanosis
2.      Genital ulcer is seen in A/E  LGV
3.      Recurrent genital ulcer/blisters ,which heal with hyperpigmentation : Fixed drug eruption
4.      The most frequent cause of recurrent genital ulceration in a sexually active male is -Herpes genitalis not heal with hyperpigmentation.
5.      Echinococcus is NOT an STI
6.      Noveneral form of treponemal infections YAWS, PINTA ,BEJEL (Endemic syphilis)­­­­­­­­
7.      Commonest trophozoite infection transmitted by sexual intercourse - Trichomonas vaginalis
8.      Secondary syphilis does not manifest as PRURITUS,interstitial keratitis,vesicles and bullae
9.      The lesion characteristic of secondary syphilis Condyloma lata­­­­
10.  Secondary stage of syphilis is most contagious
11.  Stage most contagious from mother to baby : Secondary syphilis
12.  Moth eaten alopecia seen in Secondary syphilis
13.  Hard chancre is seen in Syphilis
14.  Soft chancre seen in Chancroid
15.  Chancre redux’ is a clinical feature of - Early relapsing syphilis
16.  Most specific test or investigation of choice in primary syphilis is dark ground illumination (DGI)
17.  Earliest test to come positive or screening test of choice in primary syphilis is Enzyme immune assay —EIA (1gM).
18.  Best serological test for syphilis : FTA-ABS
19.  Test done to diagnose syphilis in newborn if mother is syphilitic : Syphilis capita M test
20.  Ollendorff sign (Deep dermal tenderness) is seen in - Secondary syphilis (Great Imitator).
21.  Characteristic feature of early congenital syphilis is - Vesicular rash with bulla over palms and soles
22.  Paired VDRL for diagnosis of congenital syphilis
23.  Hutchinsons triad : Hutchinson teeth ,interstitial keratitis,eighth nerve deafness
24.  After giving treatment for syphilis ,the response is best assessed by VDRL
25.  To indicate effective therapy in syphilis VDRL test should a fall in titre of – 4 fold
26.  DOC in primary syphilis Benzathine penicillin
27.  Treatment of late satge of CVS syphilis is Inj Benzathine Penicillin 7.2 million units in 3 divided doses.
28.  Jarisch Herxheimer reaction seen in Early syphilis,Typhoid fever,Brucellosis (not seen in Legionellosis)
29.  T.pallidum crosses placenta at any stage of pregnancy
30.  Test used to screen syphilis in pregnant females VDRL,RPR
31.  Gonococcus does not involve testis
32.  TOC for penicillin resistant gonorrhoea Ceftriaxone
33.  Donovanosis is caused by -Calymmatobacter granulomatis
34.  Chancroid is caused by H. ducreyi
35.  LGV is caused by Chalamydia trachomatis
36.  I.P of LGV : 10-30 days
37.  Frie test is done in LGV
38.  Groove sign is seen in LGV
39.  Genital elephantiasis and Esthiomene is caused by LGV
41.  Pseudo bubo is seen Donovanosis
42.  Donovan bodies seen in Calymmobacterium granulomatis
43.  Best single drug for combined gonococcal and non gonococcal infection in cervix is Azithromycin 2gm stat
44.  Chancroid shows School of fish appearance on gram stain
45.  DOC in chancroid is AZITHROMYCIN or CEFTRIAXONE
46.  Treatment of both partners is recommended in A/E – Candida,Gardnerella,Herpes
47.  Cervical warts seen with HPV 6,11
48.  Low risk type of HPV : 6
49.  Genital warts are most commonly caused by which of the following serotypes of HPV6
50.  Myrmecia warts are - Plantar wart
51.  Condyloma acuminata is caused by HPV
52.  Treatment of choice for genital warts in pregnancy is Cryotherapy.
53.  Type of human papilloma virus associated with cacinoma cervix - Types 16,18,31,33,45,52,58
54.  Podophyllum resin is indicated in the treatment Condyloma acuminata
55.  Imiquimod used in treatment of anogenital warts acts manly as – Immunostimulator
56.  An eight year old boy presents with multiple umbilicated papules on trunk. Diagnosis is Molluscum contagiosum
57.  The syndromic management of urethral discharge includes treatment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and chlamydia trachomatis
58.  Most common site of affection of herpes simplex FACE
59.  Herpes resistant to acyclovir is treated by Foscarnet
60.  The syndromic management of genital ulcer syndrome in India includes which of the following Chancroid, primary chancre and herpes simplex.
You tube channel : Dr Maddineni Sriniva­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­s Dermatologist              (DrMSD)

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