Oatmeal with trail mix and soft egg

Oh! Almost forgot. There I was, minding my own business, sitting there on my tuffet eating my curds and whey in a chair eating my oatmeal with trail mix and soft egg, which turned out harder than I intended when suddenly I started to pick up a distinctly unpleasant odor.

I ignored it.

The odor persisted. Smelled like something burning.

I ignored it again.

Persisted. Getting stronger. THEN I JUMPED UP, TURNED ON THE FAN THAT'S AIMED AT THE SMOKE ALARM TO PREEMPT IT SCREAMING AND FRANTICALLY DASHED INTO THE KITCHEN where I found this sitting on top of the burner beginning to smoke. I tossed it in the water that was chilling the remaining eggs, while smoke wafted up around the burner and from the smoldering pot in the sink with the eggs.

So let that be a lesson for you, about ... something.

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