Lamb and Flag, Wick

The village of Wick (Y Wig) in the Vale of Glamorgan has a population of around 700 and once boasted six public houses. The Star closed recently (and is currently for sale), leaving the village with just one: the Lamb and Flag. It’s the latest stop on my tour of Vale pubs.

We were given a very warm welcome by the couple who run the pub, despite being a bit late for lunch. Food is served at lunchtimes, and again in the evening.

A central area serves both the traditional local’s bar and the lounge, which is mainly set up with tables for dining. The two parts of the pub have separate doors.

Home-made pies are the main feature of the menu. We ordered a couple of Steak and Ale Pies (the Lamb and Rosemary had all gone). The rich and short shortcrust pastry is made by the landlord. The filling had rosemary flavour and some quality meat, which was sourced from a farmer near Carmarthen who rears Welsh Black cattle. Steak and Kidney pie is also listed on the menu. The intention is to expand the range of pies further.

Our two girls split a large lasagne. We all enjoyed the large chips. They were crisp outside and fluffy inside, and ballooned in a way that suggested two sessions in the fryer. I also had some fine new potatoes.

The Lamb and Flag is a free house, albeit with a modest real ale selection. For me, Hancock's HB was the pick of the beers on tap. With drinks, our bill came to £31.70.

You’ll also find faggots, sausages and mash, scampi and other standard pub meals on the menu. The philosophy at the Lamb and Flag appears to be “back to basics” with its simple and traditional pub meals. However, this is no return to the bad old days of pub food. In common with many Vale pubs, the emphasis is on the home-made and on high-quality, seasonal and local ingredients.

Even if you have never been to the Vale of Glamorgan, you may have heard of Wick. The village is home to the family of Nicole Cooke, the cyclist who took Britain's first gold medal at the 2008 Olympic Games. A party was held in the family’s local pub – the Lamb and Flag – to celebrate her achievement.

Lamb and Flag
Church Street, Wick, Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7QE
Tel: 01656 890278

Directions: Wick is on the B4265 between Llanilltud Fawr/Llantwit Major and St Brides Major.

Nicole Cooke celebration:

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