update: 2019/04/04
0-1. Bostick & Sullivan, Inc.
0-2. Pictorico Premium OHP Transparency Film
0-3. Digital Negative Resources
0-4. Piezography
0-5. QuadToneRIP
0-6. Introduction to Alternative Processing in Photography
0-7. CreativeLive Classes
0-8. Toning Cyanotypes
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0-9. Red Rubylith - Blocks UV Rays
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1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
One of chemical which the Van Dyke process uses is silver nitrate.
Van Dyke工藝所使用的其中一種化學物質是硝酸銀。
Silver nitrate is, it's a diluted form, so it's not a super concentrated form, but it's actually what creates the middle for the UV exposure to work with. So silver nitrate though will stain pretty much anything it touches. If it gets on your skin it'll actually turn kind of a dark gray, a dark brown. It doesn't come off unless you scrub your skin raw but it will just dissolve over time and it doesn't absorb or cause any problems through the skin but if it gets in your eye it can cause loss of eyesight, so it's one of the chemicals that we definitely want to make sure we have protective eyewear with.
硝酸銀是一種稀釋形式,因此它不是超濃縮形式,但它實際上是紫外線照射的中間物。 因此,硝酸銀會在接觸到的任何東西上染色。 如果它在你的皮膚上,它實際上會變成深灰色,深褐色。 它不會脫落,除非你擦洗你的皮膚,但它會隨著時間的推移溶解,它不會吸收或導致任何問題通過皮膚,但如果它進入你的眼睛,它會導致視力喪失,所以這是一個 我們絕對想要確保我們有防護眼鏡的化學品。
The Van Dyke process is also way more sensitive to ultraviolet light than the sienna types. When we actually start the coating process and start working we'll flip the studio into a state of being ultraviolet protected. So to do that, I've got ruby lith, which is a ultraviolet protective material over some of the studio lights. So the room's just going to go kind of a red color.
Van Dyke工藝對紫外線的敏感度也比赭石類型更敏感。 當我們真正開始塗層工藝並開始工作時,我們將工作室翻轉到受紫外線保護的狀態。 所以要做到這一點,我有紅寶石,這是一些工作室燈光的紫外線保護材料。 所以房間就會變成紅色。
The other option you can use, is you can go to any place that sells light bulbs, and they'll sell what are called bug lights and they're lights that are basically designed to keep bugs from coming to your house and so they have this kind of really weird greenish-yellow glow, those are also safe, and they actually just screw into a normal socket.
您可以使用的另一個選擇是,您可以去任何銷售燈泡的地方,他們會出售所謂的蟲燈,它們的燈光基本上是為了防止蟲子進入你家,所以他們有 這種非常奇怪的黃綠色發光,那些也是安全的,它們實際上只是擰入正常的插座。