• Community Responds Quickly

In less than 6 hours, local charity's need of a freezer, was met. 

At about 9:00am this morning City Councilmember Bridgette Moore posted about a need of the Five and Two program at Gracepoint Church on facebook.

Not long after the post was up, Paula Willette pledged the first $100. 
A couple of hours later, Mayor Pro-Tem Ben Benoit saw the thread and also pledged $100. About an hour after that $50 came in from Pete Lent.

Two more donations came in bringing the total up to $450, more than enough to get the type of freezer that Wink Davis had in mind for their bi-monthly food distribution program.

I know that none of the people that donated did so for recognition, but I don't feel like blurring out their names. lol

They've done a terrific thing, and it's not a bad thing that others know about it. Thanks again to the quick community response to a worthy cause that has been helping those less fortunate in the community for many years.

I reached out to pastor Wink Davis to get his reaction to the pledges from the community.
"I am absolutely amazed by our community. I was at a meeting most of the day so I didn't get a chance to see it happen [in real time], but I came back and saw all the notifications on my phone and was amazed as I was looking at it. I am overwhelmed, it's exciting. We have been putting our money towards food, both for emergency and for the distribution [program], this is going to be a huge, huge help. I can't say thank you enough to everyone."

—Pastor Wink Davis, in response to the generosity of the community.
It's nice to see positivity come from facebook.
Link to 2016 blog about 

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For it is in giving that we receive. 
– Francis of Assisi

Wildomar Rap gets that... and you?

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