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1. Litrerature S. Runciman, A history of the First Bulgarian empire, London, G.Bell & Sons, 1930 Herbert Schutz, Tools, weapons and ornaments: Germanic material culture in Pre-Carolingian Central Europe, 400-750, BRILL, 2001 ISBN: 90-04-12298-2; 97-89-004-12298-7 2. Sources in Gibbon: The wars and negotiations relative to the Burgundians and Alemanni, are distinctly related by Ammianus Marcellinus, (xxviii. 5, xxix 4, xxx. 3.) Orosius, (l. vii. c. 32,), and the Chronicles of Jerome and Cassiodorus, fix some dates, and add some circumstances. 3. Gibbon V.2 P.4 p.319: The most remarkable circumstance in the ancient manners of the Burgundians appears to have been the difference of their civil and ecclesiastical constitution. The appellation of Hendinos (Khan?) was given to the king or general, and the title of Sinistus to the high priest, of the nation. The person of the priest was sacred, and his dignity perpetual; but the temporal government was held by a very precarious tenure. If the events of war accuses the courage or conduct of the king, he was immediately deposed; and the injustice of his subjects made him responsible for the fertility of the earth, and the regularity of the seasons, which seemed to fall more properly within the sacerdotal department. 97 (Except for the absence of the priest, much less a sacred priest, King at Türkic people served at will of Tengri, and a loss of Almighty benevolence, expressed in national disasters, caused immediate deposition of post and life)
97. I am always apt to suspect historians and travelers of improving extraordinary facts into general laws. Ammianus ascribes a similar custom to Egypt; and the Chinese have imputed it to the Ta−tsin (Da Qin), or Roman empire, (De Guignes, Hist. des Huns, tom. ii. part. 79.)
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