MACY McMILLAN: Five Fun Facts (and a giveaway!)

MACY McMILLAN AND THE RAINBOW GODDESS is a middle grade novel in verse, launching May 15 in the U.S. (so soon!!).

Here’s the blurb:

Olivia has been Macy McMillan’s best friend ever since Macy transferred to Hamilton Elementary from Braeside School for the Deaf. But then their sixth grade teacher assigned that embarrassing family tree project, and Olivia made a joke about Macy’s father, and now neither girl is speaking—or signing—to the other. 

It couldn’t have happened at a worse time. With her mother getting married and an ugly For Sale sign jammed into their yard, Macy could really use a best friend right now. But it seems the only person who has time for her these days is Iris Gillan from next door. And it’s not like a crabby, old woman who doesn’t even know sign language is going to be any comfort. Right?

Kirkus says, "The verse trails down the pages in narrow bands leaving plenty of white space. Even characters that are barely sketched emerge fully realized through the spare yet poignant narrative….Macy’s life lessons are realistic and illuminating; that she is deaf adds yet another dimension to an already powerful tale."

I’m so excited for readers to meet Macy and Iris! To celebrate the launch, I’m giving away a signed paperback edition of MACY McMILLAN, but first, five fun facts!
  1. The librarian in MACY McMILLAN is named after Beverly Cleary

  2. MACY was the first manuscript I wrote using an outline. (Did it convert me from pantsing? Uh…no. But it also didn’t kill me. I might actually do it again!)

  3. I managed to sneak a few of my favorite books into the manuscript. All these books get a shout-out in MACY McMILLAN, either directly or indirectly: 

  4. I had the title several years before I had a story to go with it.

  5. The last poem in the book is my favorite (and it’s only one sentence).

To enter the giveaway, comment with one of your fave books—one that you’ve read and re-read, one that you recommend all the time, one that you quote lines from at inappropriate moments even if it causes people to look at you funny (“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"). So, yeah…comment with a fave book, and please include your email so I can contact you if you win.

Good luck! And if you want to help spread the word and make this author super-happy, please share this post on social media, or add MACY to your Goodreads, or request it at your local library. Thank you so much! *passes you cookies*

Shari Green writes fiction for kids and teens. She lives on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, with her husband, kids, and the worst watchdog ever. Visit her online at

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