Featured Illustrator Lori Eslick


This questionnaire goes back to a popular parlor game in the early 1900s. Marcel Proust filled it out twice. Some of our questions were altered from the original to gain more insight into the hearts and minds of our illustrators. We hope you enjoy this way of getting to know everybody.

1. Your present state of mind?
HA! Good, as I am painting lots of plein air paintings, which are just a pure joy to work on. Plein air painting is a learning experience…but well (to tell you the truth) It’s a great way to warm up to doing my illustration work. I am included in a plein air art show with other juried artists who are painting plein air the Land Conservancies of West Michigan. The show benefits them as well.

2. What do you do best?
Paint without deadlines. And sometimes I paint best with a short deadline like while painting in the plein air, where you must paint fast, as the sun waits for no one.

3. Where would you like to live?
I love living where I do. Really. But if I could, it would be on Lake Michigan, but I cannot complain about my 6 mile commute to the Muskegon state park.

4. Your favorite color?
Cobalt blue, the color of the sky, often.

5. Three of your own illustrations:
All are personal paintings, and they tend to represent the 3 different types of styles of illustration that I do.

6. Your music?
Mostly classic rock. Sting, Stevie Wonder really get me to sing along, in the studio alone, of course as singing is not my ‘gift’.

7. Your biggest achievement?
My/our two kids. They are a wonder and huge inspiration to me. They both make me think of Max in Where the Wild Things Are, and this makes me smile.

8. Your biggest mistake?
Not taking more classes when I worked at Hallmark as they paid for tuition.

9. Your favorite children's book when you were a child?
Charlotte’s Web.

10. Your main character trait?
I just love art, and so my family and most of my friends know this about me, and I’m also known for being ever the artist…as I seem to always have my sketchbook with me (for instance). And as a character trait, I am pretty shy. But I’ve learned over the years to push myself beyond my comfort zone. This tendency to push myself has helped me to overcome many things such as shyness, to better achieve my goals.

11. What do you appreciate most in a friend?
A kind person and seems most often a good listener is a kind person. So I appreciate most in a friend, a great listener who is kind.

12. What mistakes are you most willing to forgive?
A wicked sense of humor. Not even sure if this is a mistake or the answer to question 11 (for me).

13. Your favorite children's book hero?
‘The Swamp’ in the James Marshall’s: “Miss Nelson is Missing”.

14. What moves you forward?
Practice painting moves me forward, such as plein air painting.

15. What holds you back?

16. Your dream of happiness?
Writing and illustrating my own children’s book stories. With art shows of plein air studies too. So both doing the best art that I can for children and to get to be the best I can be for children, therefore I continue to practice with fine art. Nailed it (the happiness question) !!!!

17. The painter/illustrator you admire most?
- Painters: Carol Peek, Dean Mitchell, artists/illustrators: Laurie Keller, Patti Gay, Rob Hatem (Rob’s blog: Lovemhatem) all very different artists and proud to call them all my friends.
To choose one painter/illustrator: whom I admire the most, it would be Wanda Gag (Millions of Cats).

18. What super power would you like to have?
Time travel power(s).

19. Your motto?
Two mottos, one for artists:
“Keep a sketchbook on you, draw as often as you can”
One for all of us: “a sense of humor comes in handy, almost always”

20. Your social media?
Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lori-eslick

Lori painted two banners and they both deserve to be shown, here is the other one.

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