Exclusive Interview with Marcelline Cosplay

In the country of Greece, the three things that are best known for are the following. It is the birthplace of philosophy and science. She’s one of Greece’s newest cosplayers out on social media that the cameras absolutely love her contour and that Mediterranean beauty that appeals to the gods.  Everyone, this is Marcelline Cosplay. Born on a small island called Corfu and has been living in Thessaloniki, Greece's 2nd largest city works a local internet cafe. But afterward, this petite goddess transforms herself into a work of art for all to adore. She’s an Aries and born on April 1st, her eyes and hair color is a natural brown if she’s not doing a photoshoot.

After a hard day night at the cafe, you can find Marcelline, cuddling with her adopted cat she loves called, Guts reads her favorite Manga or watching her romantic anime show called Kamisama Kiss. She’s fluent in English, Greek and a bit of German, but if you count her impressions of anime voices, then it’s four. She loves pop-rock and Vocaloid music. Marcelline loves food, life, beer, and has a love for those nocturnal hamsters. They’re soo cute and furry.

OG: Thank you so much Marcelline for doing this interview with me, Raven Steel. How are you?
MC: I am well, despite what is happening in our country. We are a strong and loving country and we will beat this CoronaVirus-19.
OG: That is awesome. Please take good care of yourself. My prayers and with you, your family and all of Greece!
OG: Marcelline, at every interview, I like to offer these kind words if you should ever need them in times of trouble or strife. In so doing you can overcome any obstacles you may experience. Here we go, " If you are going to tell people the truth, make sure you're funny or they will kill you".  Please use these words of wisdom wherever you can. With that let us begin.

OG: What sort of kid were you? Shy or Outgoing? Were you a social butterfly in school?
MC: Growing up on a small island in Greece, I always felt that I couldn’t express myself, so I lived a humble and shy childhood. I was afraid of what would people say. What if I did something wrong? People in small societies tend to be very condescending and judgemental. That’s why I was very glad to move to a bigger city like Thessaloniki away from all that. And it was there that I started socializing more, began watching cartoons & anime more and lots of social media!

OG: What got you into cosplaying? What your first cosplay outfit? Did you learn anything from your fist cosplay appearance?
MC: Social media! That’s how I found out about cosplay. When I saw that people were making MY favorite characters to life, that’s when it hit me. I wanted to do that. I wanted to be my favorite character. So I set on doing that and I created my first costume in 2015, Nel a.k.a. Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck from Bleach.

OG: How did it make you feel? Where did you make your first debut?
MC: When I portrayed Nel for the first time it was in a comic convention here in Thessaloniki. All the new friends I made had been hyping me about the first proper comic book convention in our city so I had to wear my first costume too! It was, AMAZING! I had so much fun, I’ll never forget that day! Through that cosplay, I learned that I can be anything I want. I could escape the social prejudice that I had known growing up and that I could finally do something I loved and share it with other people!

OG: Do you feel that your artistry in cosplaying has improved? Matured? Has it made you more resilient to those who love to hate?
MC: Fast forward 4 years later. I still absolutely love cosplaying. I’ve taken part in contests, had paying jobs and sponsorships as a cosplayer. I’ve traveled abroad, met other international cosplayers, and even met my cosplay idol/senpai (Kamui <3). I’ve crafted huge body armor, made giant props, sewn big dresses, especially worn skimpy outfits and styled all kinds of wigs.  I’ve tried tons of materials and watched thousands of tutorials. On a personal note,  I’ve met incredible people, had fans from all around the world. I’ve been judged and faced haters as well as terrible people, but through it all I laughed, I cried, I smiled. All that for cosplay. I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

OG: As a beautiful, young woman, does the size of a woman matter (height, bra, or weight) when playing a character?
MC: You’re making me blush! :3 But I don’t believe that anyone should not cosplay a character he or she loves just because there might be visual differences due to skin color, weight or anything. Go for it! Have fun!

OG: What sort of thinking when you decide what cosplay outfit you are going to do? What sort of characters do you become attracted to do? Is being a  woman gives you more opportunities to become any character you want?
MC: Usually I just watch some anime and the first girl I see and I like, I want to cosplay her. That’s it. So simple! And so wasteful as I have millions of plans that won’t ever come to be! But I am usually attracted to characters that express who I am in one way or another, such as Tharja from Fire Emblem Awakening (Her creep-stalking expresses my social awkwardness!)

OG: Do you consider yourself a Geek or a Nerd or just obsessive creative? Do you use a photographer or do you do your own photography? Were there any bad experiences from past photographers?
MC: I feel that the more I dabble in these kinds of hobbies the more of a Geek I become. I learned so much about geeky terms, games, music, etc. But I am also an obsessive creative! I just can’t stop making stuff!

OG: Do you use a photographer or do you do your own photography? Were there any bad experiences from past photographers? Do you have any suggestions for photographers to make their models more comfortable with them?
MC: Up until 2017 to 2018 I rarely had the chance of having a proper photoshoot with a photographer. But since then I bought my own DSLR camera, made friends with people that are quite into photography as well as chances to shoot with professionals. So far I’ve never had any trouble with any of my photographers, but if I had to give any suggestions to help both the photographer and the model/cosplayer it would be communication. Discuss openly what you both want out of that photoshoot session and don’t be afraid, to be honest, if anything makes you uncomfortable.

OG: Are all the cosplay outfits you create reflections of your personality? Or, is your outfits are a  reflection of another person inside you wanting to come out?
MC: I believe that most of the outfits I’ve made express me and my personality in one way or another. If I find something in the character that I can relate too, not only does that motivate me to make that costume more, but it also helps me become that character more easily. Like for example, I can relate to Megumin to having little to no self-control, or that Toga/Tharja/Hestia is obsessed with her love interest.

OG: Which is easier or cheaper to do? Buy the outfits or make them? What sort of time do you invest in creating a piece of artwork?
MC: After many costumes, I believe that there should be a balance between buying outfits and making them. I’ve seen costumes ready to buy that would be so much cheaper than to make them. I’ve also seen costumes that would cost a fortune to buy and would be better off being made. If you have the time, want to save some money and have a lot of energy then make them! Otherwise, if you only have the money, but no time or energy then buy them! Don’t let anything or anyone stop you from becoming the character you want! As for myself, my limited time has made me both buying and making them!

OG: What sort of makeup do you recommend when cosplaying?
MC: I really believe that makeup is key when cosplaying a character. It just adds a whole new layer to the costume, both for men & women. I can’t recommend specific products as there are tons and different ones in every country, but what I can recommend is to never stop watching tutorials! They’ve been a great help in everything that involves makeup!

OG: What sort of sewing machine do you use?
MC: Over the years I’ve had lots of tools for making costumes and photos but I won’t ever replace my trusty old’ sewing machine! A tiny machine for amateurs, but we’ve been through so much!

OG: In your profession, is it necessary for those who have a demanding cosplay schedule to maintain a portioned figure? Do you have a work-out regimen?
MC: Yes, at least for myself, I should have a proportioned figure for what I do as a cosplayer. I recently started wearing sexier costumes and I really would feel more comfortable if I had the time to exercise and keep my body at peak condition! But unfortunately, I’ve yet to find a time in my schedule to add the gym!

OG: Do you have any tattoos? Is there a particular tattoo you really want to have? If so, what part of your body would it be on?
MC: I don’t have any tattoos. YET! I really want to get one, don’t know what exactly yet but I would do it on a part of my body that doesn’t affect my cosplay career a lot. Probably somewhere on my backside!

OG: Are you easily recognized by your fans in public? What makes you, Marcelline, stand out from the rest of the local cosplayers in your area?
MC: When I go to conventions, I am recognized by my peers! I don’t believe I am some kind of cosplay celebrity neither do I feel like one! I just love meeting new people that like my costumes and if they are fans, GREAT! As for what I believe I stand out more in my local cosplay community is that I took a giant leap towards Euro-cosplay and boudoir. Something not many cosplayers in our country were willing to do because of the social taboos people have in Greece. But I feel more comfortable than ever and I really love doing it!

OG: As a social media entertainer, is it always demanding to come up with new characters to portray for your fans? Do your fans request you for a particular character to dress up as?
MC: Of course it is demanding to come up with new costumes but it is because I chose for it to be. I want to have daily content for all my fans and I make monthly sets for both my public social media and private ones. My fans and my supporters always make great suggestions and requests for costumes! I always try to make as many as I can become a reality!

OG: Are some of them funny?
MC: Lately I’ve been getting requests to dress up as a comic book character, something I’ve never done. One of the funniest costumes I made was Area 51-chan based on the meme and a character by Merryweather Comics. People loved it so much!

OG: How did you come up with the name, Marcelline Cosplay?
MC: I came up with my cosplay name in 2016 when I started looking at cosplay more professionally. It is a combination of my real name and the character from Adventure Time, but it also sounds cute!

OG: What sort of fans are attracted to your artwork?  When you are in your cosplay outfit, what is the first thing people notice about you? What surprises you the most about your fans? Is there anything a fan can bring you that will make you cry for joy? Do your cosplay efforts make you living or do you suffer like the rest of us?
MC: I believe that my work resonates between all kinds of people, be it anime or manga lovers, gamers, people that just like to see me as a human being and so much more. The first thing people notice would either be my eyes or my boobies! But I’m told by many that they’re attracted to my personality. (Don’t know what’s wrong with them, I’m just a silly potato with costumes.)

OG: Haha!

OG: Is there anything a fan can bring you that will make you cry for joy?
MC: The most surprising thing about my fans is how many of them genuinely want to support me and my cosplay career. And I’m not talking about donations, I’m talking about people saying that they love my work and then they share it, comment on it and also try to help me anyway possible.

MC: I’ve created a small community in Discord with some of my most loyal fans. They’ve brought me tears of joy, laughter, emotional support. Everything. I love each and every one of them! (IF YOU’RE ALL READING THIS, IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU, YOU BAKAS)

OG: Do your cosplay efforts make you living or do you suffer like the rest of us?
MC: Oh yeah I suffer. I suffer from a low-income daily job. I suffer having to do housework and pay the bills like a normal adult. But through the financial support of my fans, I’m making small steps each day on making my dream a reality. Making cosplay my actual job. I’m really grateful to each and everyone that has helped me so far. :’)

OG: What sort of characters are you most drawn to? Marvel, DC, Anime, or Manga? Is there a character out there that best reflects your personality? Are there any character outfits you won’t do?
MC: I’m definitely drawn to anime or Japanese video game characters more because I’m more familiar with them. If I had to pick a character right now it would be Nezuko from Demon Slayer. I relate to her being so damn cute and sleepy all the time! I would never cosplay anything I don’t like or find aesthetically pleasing.

OG: Are you doing any upcoming conventions or photoshoots your fans can expect to see? What projects would you love to be doing in the next 5 years from now?
MC: My fans should always be on high alert as I’m always coming up with new cosplays and photoshoots! As for conventions, I’ll try my best to be more active in all of my local ones!

OG: What sort of advice can you offer other cosplayers to be noticed in the media? Would you consider yourself to be successful in your career?
MC: My advice to offer other cosplayers that want to be noticed by the media would be to think more like content creators and not models. You really have to produce content that people would like to invest their time in!

MC: I consider myself to be on the right path to becoming a successful cosplayer! Let’s hope that in 5 years from now I am one! <3

Time to ask Marcelline Cosplay our, “Geeky Questions!”

OG: Are there any MYTHS about the life of cosplayers you would like to clarify right now?
MC: The myth about deadlines and con crunches are totally true. Having a deadline motivates you to finish the costume!

OG: What is the #1 love Greek women love to do?
MC: Gossip.

OG: What cosplay outfit would stand the best chance to win over the hearts and minds of haters?
MC: Generally speaking, the one that you love the most, can’t go wrong with that!

OG: When you are asleep, do you dream of yourself in normal clothes?
MC: When I’m asleep, I dream of myself in even more cosplay clothes!

OG: What is your “Biggest Pet Peeve”?
MC: That would be saying “Hello” or “Good Morning” to a customer and them not answering back.

OG: How many cups of coffee do the average Greek female drink in a day? In an hour?
MC: Don’t know about the rest but I drink about 4-5 cups a day. I can do probably 2 in an hour!

OG: What movie will always make you “Cry” every time?
MC: Pokémon 3: The Movie

OG: Do you own a Momma Mia tee-shirt?
MC: Nope!

OG: Will you ever strive to be the All-Time Backgammon champion title?
MC: I wanna be the very best like no one ever was!

OG: What was the #1 kitchen utensil used to disciple a child in a typical Greek family household?
MC: Not a kitchen utensil, but a slipper a.k.a the pantofla in Greek! (Παντόφλα).

OG: What sort of ability or hidden talent you do that no one knows about?
MC: I have a reeeeeeeeeeealllllyyyyyyyy loooooooooong tongue.

OG: What sort of Spirit Animal would you want to have?
MC: My spirit animal is the raccoon!

OG: If you could be re-born back on Earth, what would you come back as?
MC: A ghost.

OG: Cosplayers who sell their own Bath-Water for profit, are they health conscience?
MC: I can offer mine a lot cheaper and cleaner!

OG: Haha !!! It’s a Greek Red-Bull!

OG: How does one say in Greek, “ All of my toes are under your car tire?”
MC: “Μου πατάς τα δαχτυλάκια με την ρόδα σου” (Copy and paste in Google Translate)

OG: Has this ever crossed your mind to do, The Tide-Pod challenge?
MC: Mayyyyyybeeeeeeeeeee O:)

OG: In a fight, who would win? Tharja from Fire Emblem Awakening vs. Asuka Langley Soryu.

OG: What sort of music/food/drink do you have when working through the night at an outfit?
MC: Gyros delivered with some energy drinks!

OG: What Anime, Manga, DC, Disney, Marvel character would be your best friend?
MC: Seto Kaiba because of money.

OG: What do Greek young women really want in their Christmas Stocking?
MC: No SFW answer for that. Maybe a new phone. I guess.

OG: If you could go back in time, what famous person would want to cosplay with?
MC: I go forward in time, become famous, then go back in time and cosplay with myself!

OG: Can you Burp louder than a 5th Grader?
MC: I’m a lady! Why would you ever ask something… yes.

OG: Speaking of Burping. Which of the two would help fall asleep faster? Chewing or Burping?
MC: Chewing!

OG: Can I get a Hug?
MC: No. You get many!

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